[List of Victorian Christmas Toys, 1879] [Moorcrofts; nineteenth-century children's games]: Manuscript list of 'Xmas Toys 1879.' ordered wholesale, apparently for a hardware merchant. , [1879.] Place not stated, but English (with the reverse headed 'Moorcrofts').On a ruled leaf of laid paper detached from an account book. Dimensions 28.5 x 18.5 cm. Text clear and complete. On aged paper with chipping to extremities. One page, headed 'Xmas Toys 1879.' is filled with twenty-seven entries, beginning with '1 Gross 1/2 Flags 2 Gros 1/4 Candles [last word deleted] Flags' and ending with '1/2 Glass Toys. | 48 doz 1/2 Bird on Stand'. Other entries include 'Duck in Boats', 'Bird on Ball', 'Stag in Angle' and 'Glass Bird on Large Stand'. The reverse carries nine entries under the heading 'Moocrofts', the first being '504 6 Gross Shoe Plain 24/- 7..4..0'. The prices total £36 6s 4d. (Book ref. 8428 ) £ 35.00 The payment methods accepted by the seller, Richard Ford , are shown in the right-hand column. |