Elizabeth Arden [Florence Nightingale Graham (1878-1966)]: Collection of correspondence from Elizabeth Arden Ltd to agents Franklyn and Doris Rogers, Messrs Titcumbs, Chatham, including an Autograph Letter Signed ('Elizabeth Arden') from Arden, and 40 Typed Letters Signed from director T. Gordon Yates. , Between 1942 and 1956; most items on the letterhead of the Elizabeth Arden Ltd British headquarters at 25 Old Bond Street, London.The collection of fifty-three Typed Letters Signed and six mimeographed circulars, in various formats, is in good condition on lightly-aged paper, with all texts clear and complete, and with a couple of items with closed tears. Providing an interesting sidelight into workings of the English branch of one of the twentieth-century's leading multinational corporations. Arden's letter (8vo, 1 p), dated 8 April 1955, is addressed to the Rogers' daughter 'Miss J. Rogers'. She writes that she is 'always so delightedf to hear from a member of my world-wide 'family'', and is pleased to read the comments regarding the 'Firmo-Lift promotion'. Of interest is the fact that the signature does not correspond with the stylized one on the letterhead. The letterheads of the other items in the collection carry Arden's real name as 'FLORENCE N LEWIS CITIZEN USA FORMERLY BRITISH'. Yates's letters to the Franklyns, mostly in 4to, and almost all signed 'Gordy', range in topics from sales figures, schedules, dates for visits from the firm's representatives. The Rogers' concession was clearly a successful and well-run one. Yates's letter of 24 May 1950 begins 'Mr. Livonius, once a man of steel, girded his loins and charged towards the Chatham, Rochester, Gillingham area [...] The charm that brings birds out of trees reduced him to a mere pulp and his report talks about nothing but what a wonderful Blush Rose window, wan an excellent stock situation, and the trememndous enthusiasm on the part of Mac and the entire staff. I am completely disgusted!' On 27 October 1953 he writes 'Even superlatives seem inadequate when used in connection with the Titcumbs' treatment visits, and one deplores the poverty of the English language.' Yates's playfulness is apparent on several occasions. His letter of 24 April 1951 begins 'Thank you so much for your rude letter suggesting Doris be relieved of the whole burden of my correspondence. She is so attractive, how can I help myself from making every possible excuse to write?' Also present are six circular news releases from Yates, and six letters from Nancy R. Hall of the firm's display department regarding window displays and signs, together with another sixletters from individuals in the Old Bond Street headquarters. Also included are two copies of 'Elizabeth Arden News', the first from October 1969 (with first and last leaves detached) and the second from June 1972. (Book ref. 9180 ) £ 325.00 The payment methods accepted by the seller, Richard Ford , are shown in the right-hand column. |