Coward, T.A. ( Based on): Birds of the Wayside and Woodland Comprising A Descriptive History of the Families Corvidae to Tetraonidae; , London, Warne, 1941;New edition. Hardback. Good+/ No dust jakcet. 6" x 5". A pocket guide. 352pp with 300 accurately coloured illustrations , 8 photographic reproductions and 52 text figures. Based upn the standard work @ The Birds of the British Isles' by T. A. Coward. Edited and with Introductory Chapters upon the General Habits and Characteristics of Birds by Enid Blyton. Presentation label on the front pastedown. Red covers with black line decoration & title on front & spine (Book ref. 17507 ) £ 12.00 The payment methods accepted by the seller, Wheen O'Books , are shown in the right-hand column. |