Offered for sale by: Recycling Books

Steele George & Kircher Paul The Crisis We Face Automation and the Cold War. , New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960.

1st. Hard. Very Good/Good. 8vo "Are we stressing automation to an extent that threatens our survival? challenges the quality of our defence, & economic position...Need for more effective computers...probable effect of radioactivity from a hydrogen bomb burst on electronic systems......" A hardback book of 220 pages in a dust wrapper. (Book ref. 017635 )  £ 6.00

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Offered for sale by: Recycling Books
Contact: Alan Kate Tilley
Address: Jubilee Road,
Phone: 01666837668.
Returns: Full refund on return of book if not as described. Please contactnus before returning the book
Shipping: Packing and postage at cost
Payment: Cheque in GB£. We only accept credit card payment through the PayPal system - please do not leave your credit card number on this website, but contact us, so that we can send a money request through PayPal
Status: Bookdealer
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