Offered for sale by: Recycling Books

The British Museum The Townley Gallery Volume I , London: Charles Knight & Co, 1836.

Cloth Covered Hardback. Very Good/No Dustwrapper. 16mo A 6 7/8" by 4 3/8" purple cloth covered hardback of 352 pages. The gilt titles " Library of Entertaining Knowledge / Townley Gallery / I " are clear alothough the spine is faded and darkened. The spine ends have short splits in the cloth and there is one short split in the back edge of the spine. The cover corners are underturned with the boards showing at the points. The purple cloth is faded and browned., with the back cover having paler spotting. The endpapers are a green optical illusionish pattern. The front and back hinges have the endpapers split showing the bandage below. The book is otherwise tight. The text is quiteclean and crisp with only an odd fox spot on a few pages. (Book ref. 025507 )  £ 20.00

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Offered for sale by: Recycling Books
Contact: Alan Kate Tilley
Address: Jubilee Road,
Phone: 01666837668.
Returns: Full refund on return of book if not as described. Please contactnus before returning the book
Shipping: Packing and postage at cost
Payment: Cheque in GB£. We only accept credit card payment through the PayPal system - please do not leave your credit card number on this website, but contact us, so that we can send a money request through PayPal
Status: Bookdealer
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