ANON.: The Closet of Beauty or, An Old Way to Procure New Loveliness, By N.H. 1694. Prersentation copy. , Fisher's Pond: Grayhound Press, 1925.1 of a limited edition of 104 copies printed. 8vo, pp.32, original wrappers, sewn as issued. Being extracts from 'The Ladies Dictionary' printed by John Dunton in 1694. Powders, perfumes, oilis, essences & sweet waters, 'How to Beautifie and Adorn the Brows of the Eyes' , 'Apparel or The Ladies Dressing-Room' , etc. Inscribed by the printer, A. W. Mathews, to his father, with two printed prospectuses for the work loosely inserted and newspaper reviews pasted to inside of front wrapper. (Book ref. 10983 ) £ 15.00 The payment methods accepted by the seller, Bristow & Garland , are shown in the right-hand column. |