Offered for sale by: Peter Taylor

GARCÍA-DIEGO, José A. Los Relojes y Automatas de Juanelo Turriano [c1511-1583]. , Albatros Ediciones, Madrid-Valencia:, 1982.

Super royal 8vo., pp xxiv, 162, [6] and with a portrait frontispiece, figures and 84 pages of plates. Flush cut stiff wrappers printed in red and black. A fine fresh copy. Published as volume VI in the series Tempvs Fvgit, Monografías Españolas de Relojería. (Book ref. 3015 )  £ 30.00

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Offered for sale by: Peter Taylor
Contact: Peter Taylor
Address: 1, Ganders Ash
Phone: 01923 663325
Returns: Any book, for whatever reason, may be returned within 7 days if at all unsatisfactory.
Shipping: Postage and shipping costs are extra and are charged at cost. Packing is free.
Payment: Personal cheque from customers known to us. Institutions may settle by BACS. Mastercard and Visa accepted.
Specialities: History and Archaeology especially of the British Isles as well as Europe in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. French history of the Napoleonic era. History of Science and Technology.
Status: Private owner
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