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Audrey McCrone

Kipling, Rudyard: Captains Courageous , Macmillan & Co. l897. lst.

a story of the Grand Banks. 245pp. 2pp. booklist. 22 illus. by I. W. Taber. occasional fingering. aeg. navy cl. gilt dec. front cover & spine. fading. rear cover marked white at top and western club glasgow gilt stamp. good+ (Book ref. 1308 )  £ 55.00

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Offered for sale by: Audrey McCrone
Contact: Audrey McCrone
Address: Windyridge
Whiting Bay
Isle of Arran.
KA27 8QT
Scotland. UK.
Phone: 01770 700564
Fax: 01770 700 564
Returns: Books may be returned within seven days . e mail first to notify
Shipping: Post at cost to £4.00 UK only.
Payment: credit card with PayPal only. Cheques or postal orders.
Specialities: Scottish. History. Military. Naval. Travel. Sporting. Art. Crafts.
Status: Bookdealer
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