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Books Only

Donald maxwell: Unknown Somerset , London; John Lane The Bodley Head,1927

1st Hardcover blue cloth gilt to front and sp. 209 pr pages.Monochrome and Cold. illustrations. sm inscription (name). No d/w. " Being a series of unmethodical explorations of the County illustrated in line and colour by the Author" (Book ref. 2026 )  £ 25.00

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Offered for sale by: Books Only
Contact: Colin E Sharman
Address: 84 Garrison Lane,
IP11 7RQ
Phone: 01394285546
Returns: Full refund within 7 days if not as described.
Shipping: Postage & packing at cost. Postal insurance if required.
Payment: By cheque on UK banks, postal orders, credit transfer.Pay pal:-
Specialities: Modern 1st editions; East Anglian; Canals and Inland waterways; topography (Suffolk, Norfolk); socialism; photography.
Status: Bookdealer
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