STEADMAN, Ralph Who Killed Dylan Thomas? *SIGNED First Edition* Swansea: Ty Llen 1998 £75.00
DEXTER, Colin The Dead of Jericho *SIGNED First Edition* London: Macmillan 1981 £295.00
SARAMAGO, Jose Skylight *First Edition* London: Harvill Secker 2014 £26.00
FERRIS, Joshua To Rise Again at a Decent Hour *ARC/Proof copy* London: Viking 2014 £20.00
HEANEY, Seamus & Ted HUGHES The School Bag *First Edition -PROOF copy* London: Faber 1997 £35.00
MONTAGUE, John Chain Letter *SIGNED Limited Edition* Dublin: Poetry Ireland 1997 £75.00
HUGHES, Ted Orpheus *First Edition* Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Company 1973 £30.00
MAHON, Derek High Time *First Edition - Hardback issue* Dublin: The Gallery Press 1985 £20.00
MAHON, Derek The Hunt By Night *First Edition* Oxford University Press 1982 £25.00
GRAY, Alastair A History Maker *SIGNED and numbered First Edition* Edinburgh: Canongate 1994 £20.00
KING, Stephen The Colorado Kid *First Edition* Hornsea: PS Publishing 2007 £50.00
MIEVILLE, China Perdido Street Station *First Edition* London: Macmillan 2000 £50.00
BEAUMAN, Ned Glow *First Edition PROOF copy* London: Sceptre 2014 £20.00
BAKER, Tom The Boy Who Kicked Pigs *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 1999 £20.00
RUSHDIE, Salman The Moor's Last Sigh *SIGNED and numbered PROOF copy* London: Cape 1995 £25.00
MOORE, Brian The Mangan Inheritance *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 1979 £25.00
THOMSON, Rupert Dreams of Leaving *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 1987 £45.00
DURRELL, Lawrence Sappho *First Edition - stunning copy* London: Faber 1950 £25.00
DURRELL, Lawrence Selected Poems *First Edition - stunning copy* London: Faber 1956 £20.00
PULLMAN, Philip Perspectives on English Teaching *SIGNED First Edition* London: NATE N.d. £20.00
SEBALD, W.G. Campo Santo *First Edition* London: Hamish Hamilton 2005 £20.00
PULLMAN, Philip Lyra's Oxford *SIGNED First Edition* Oxford: David Fickling Books 2003 £25.00
DEANE, Seamus Reading In The Dark *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 1996 £20.00
LONGLEY, Michael The Stairwell *SIGNED Limited Edition of 75 copies* London: Cape 2014 £175.00
CAREY, Peter True History of the Kelly Gang *First Edition PROOF copy* London: Faber 2001 £45.00
DURRELL, Lawrence On Seeming To Presume *First Edition* London: Faber 1958 £20.00
McCARTNEY, Paul Lyrics & Poems 1965-1999 *First Edition PROOF copy* London: Faber 2001 £20.00
DOYLE, Roddy War: A Playscript *First Edition* Dublin: Passion Machine 1989 £40.00
GRAHAM, Rigby Monotypes *Brewhouse Broadsheet # 9* Leicester: Brewhouse 1970 £20.00
KENEALLY, Thomas Schindler's Ark *First Edition PROOF copy* London: Hodder & Stoughton 1982 £25.00
BRIGGS, Raymond Gentlemen Jim *First Edition* London: 1980 £45.00
BENNETT, Alan Writing Home *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 1994 £40.00
WINTERSON, Jeanette The Dreaming House *SIGNED Limited Edition* London: Ulysses 1998 £175.00
FENTON, James A Vacant Possession *First Edition* London:TNR 1978 £20.00
FOWLES, John My Recollections of Kafka *Scarce offprint* University of Manitoba 1970 £35.00
DEXTER, Colin Morse's Greatest Mystery *SIGNED Proof copy* London: Macmillan 1993 £25.00
DEXTER, Colin The Remorseful Day *SIGNED First Edition* London: Macmillan 1999 £20.00
COE, Jonathan The Dwarves of Death *First Edition* London: Fourth Estate 1990 £30.00
DEXTER, Colin As Good As Gold *SIGNED First Edition* London: Pan/Kodak 1994 £25.00
LE CARRE, John Our Kind of Traitor *SIGNED First Edition* London: Viking 2010 £35.00
BARNES, Julian Cross Channel *First Edition PROOF copy SIGNEd and numbered* London: Cape 1996 £20.00
TREVOR, William The Old Boys *First Edition* London: The Bodley Head 1964 £45.00
SPARK, Muriel Voices at Play *First Edition* London: Macmillan 1961 £25.00
SWIFT, Graham Ever After *SIGNED Limited Edition Proof copy* London: Picador 1992 £30.00
RUSHDIE, Salaman The Wixard of Oz *SIGNED First Edition* London: British film Institute 1992 £100.00
STEADMAN, Ralph A Leg In The Wind *SIGNED First Edition* London: Arrow 1982 £30.00
ACKROYD, Peter Country Life *First Edition* London: Ferry Press 1978 £30.00
ADAMS, Richard The Girl In A swing *First Edition - excellent copy* London: Allen Lane 1980 £20.00
PAULIN, Tom A State of Justice *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 1977 £20.00
HEANEY, Seamus Seeing Things *First Edition* London: Faber 1991 £35.00
DEXTER, Colin Death Is Now My Neighbour *SIGNED First Edition* London: Macmillan 1996 £22.00
HUGHES, Ted Beauty and the Beat *First Edition* Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Company 1974 £25.00
MOORE, Marianne Collected Poems *First Edition - bright copy* London: Faber 1951 £25.00
BAYLEY, John Iris *SIGNED and Inscribed First Edition* London: Duckworth 1998 £35.00
GOLDING, William Free Fall *First Edition* London: Faber 1959 £45.00
BERRYMAN, John Homage To Mistress Bradstreet *First Edition* London: Faber 1959 £25.00
DUNN, Douglas Terry Street *First Edition - excellent bright copy* London: Faber 1969 £25.00
HILL, Geoffrey Tenebrae *First Edition* London: £20.00
RUSHDIE, Salman The Moor's Last Sigh *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 1995 £22.00
COPE, Wendy The Squirrel and the Crow SIGNED Limited Edition* Alton: Clarion Press1994 £40.00
TARANTINO,Quentin Pulp Fiction *First Edition* London: Faber 1994 £25.00
SINGH, Simon Fermat's Last Theorem *First Edition* London: Fourth Estate 1997 £25.00
O'BRIEN, Edna The Country Girls *First Edition* London: Hutchinson 1960 £45.00
de BERNIERES, Louis Imagining Alexandria *SIGNED First Edition* London: Harvill Secker 2013 £27.00
MOTION, Andrew The Customs House *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2012 £25.00
TOIBIN< Colm The Testament of Mary *SIGNED First Edition* London: Viking 2012 £95.00
ROBERTSON, Robin The Wrecking Light *SIGNED First Edition* London: Picador 2010 £25.00
SALLIS, James Salt River *SIGNED Limited Edition* Harpenden: No Exit Press 2008 £20.00
DAWSON, Jill The Tell-Tale Heart *SIGNED First Edition* London: Sceptre 2014 £30.00
NICHOLSON, Christopher Winter *SIGNED First Edition* London: Fourth Estate 2014 £28.00
GARDAM, Jane Last Friends *SIGNED First Edition* London: Little, Brown 2013 £38.00
DUNTHORNE, Joe Submarine *SIGNED First Edition* London: Hamish hamilton 2008 £28.00
ROBINSON, Derek A Splendid Little War *SIGNED First Edition* London: Quercus/Maclehose 2013 £35.00
ADICHIE, Chimamanda Americanah *SIGNED First Edition* London: Fourth Estate 2013 £33.00
NORFOLK, Lawrence John Saturnall's Feast *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2012 £30.00
RENDELL, Ruth Means of Evil *First Edition* London: Hutchinson 1979 £22.00
HEANEY, Seamus District & Circle *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2006 £142.50
LARKIN, Philip High Windows *First Edition* London: Faber 1974 £60.00
REYNOLDS, Alastair Blue Remembered Earth *SIGNED First Edition* London: Gollancz 2012 £25.00
GRANT, Linda Upstairs at The Party *SIGNED First Edition* London: Virago 2014 £28.00
CULLIN, Mitch A Slight Trick of the Mind *SIGNED First Edition* Edinburgh: Canongate 2014 £35.00
RANKIN, Ian & THOMSON, Mark Dark Road *SIGNED x2 First Edition* London: Orion 2014 £25.00
RACHMAN, Tom The Rise & Fall of Great Powers *SIGNED First Edition* London: Sceptre 2014 £38.00
MOORE, Lorrie Bark *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2014 £22.00
McKEON, Darragh All That Is Solid Melts Into Air *SIGNED First Edition* London: Viking 2014 £25.00
BHUTTO, Fatima The Shadow of the Crescent Moon *SIGNED First Edition* London: Viking 2013 £25.00
GALGUT, Damon Arctic Summer *SIGNED First Edition* London: Atlantic Books 2014 £28.00
McCABE, Patrick Music on Clinton Street *First Edition* Dublin: The Raven Arts Press 1986. £25.00
DONOGHUE, Emma Stir-Fry *First Edition* London: Hamish Hamilton1994 £30.00
ST AUBYN, Edward Lost For Words *SIGNED First Edition* London: Picador 2014 £20.00
AIRTH, Rennie The Reckoning *SIGNED First Edition* London: Mantle 2014 £25.00
ALLISON, Robert The Letter Bearer *SIGNED First Edition* London: Granta 2014 £25.00
ST AUBYN, Edward On The Edge *First Edition* London: Chatto & Windus 1998 £20.00
ST AUBYN, Edward A Clue To The Exit *SIGNED First Edition* London: Chatto & Windus 2000 £75.00
DUFFY, Carol Ann The Bees *SIGNED First Edition* London: Picador 2012 £30.00
SHAW, William A House of Knives *SIGNED First Edition* London: Quercus 2014 £30.00
BRAY, Carys A Song For Issy Bradley *SIGNED First Edition* London: Hutchinson 2014 £25.00
MANTEL, Hilary A Change of Climate *First Edition* London: Viking 1994 £20.00
GALBRAITH, Robert (J.K. Rowling) The Silkworm *First Edition* London: Sphere 2014 £22.00
KENT, Hannah Burial Rites *SIGNED and Inscribed First Edition* London: Picador 2013 £30.00
BRADLEY, Alan The Dead In Their Vaulted Arches *SIGNED First Edition* London: Orion 2014 £26.00
WILLIAMSON, Henry The Dream of Fair Women *First Edition* London: Faber 1931 £20.00
HEALEY, Emma Elizabeth Is Missing *SIGNED First Edition* London: Viking 2014 £26.00
RACHMAN, Tom The Rise & Fall of Great Powers *First Edition* London: Sceptre 2014 £22.00
LEMAITRE, Pierre Irene *SIGNED & Dated First Edition* London: Maclehose 2014 £30.00
SAUNDERS, George Pastoralia *First Edition* NY: Riverhead Books 2000 £25.00
LODGE, David How Far Can You Go *First Edition* London: Secker & Warburg 1980 £24.00
PAULL, Laline The Bees *SIGNED First Edition* London:4th Estate 2014 £35.00
VERMES, Timur Look Who's Back *SIGNEDx2 First Edition* London: Maclehose 2014 £36.00
STROSS, Charles Singularity Sky *First Hardcover Edition* London: Orbit 2004 £25.00
BARRY, Sebastian The Pride of Parnell Street *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2007 £20.00
McEWAN, Ian Sweet Tooth *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 2012 £30.00
KINGSOLVER, Barbara The Lacuna *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2009 £30.00
FFORDE, Jasper Shades of Grey *SIGNED Limited Boxed Edition* London: Hodder & Stoughton 2010 £30.00
BANVILLE, John Prague Pictures *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2003 £25.00
BARRY, Sebastian Andersen's English *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2010 £20.00
BEAUMAN, Ned Glow *SIGNED First Edition* London: Sceptre 2014 £25.00
LECKIE, Ann Ancillary Justice *SIGNED copy* London: Orbit 2013 £25.00
DONOGHUE, Emma Frog Music *SIGNED First edition* London: Picador 2014 £22.00
HANFF, Helen 84 Charing Cross Road *First Folio Society Edition* London: Folio Society 2007 £25.00
WELSH, Louise A Lovely Way To Burn *SIGNED First Edition* London: John Murray 2014 £22.00
AHLBERG, Alland and Jessica Goldilocks *SIGNEDx2 copy* London: Walker Books 201s £20.00
SHAMSIE, Kamila A God In Every Stone *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2014 £28.00
GROSSMAN, David Falling Out of Time *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 2014 £30.00
SALTER, James All That Is *SIGNED First Edition* London: Picador 2013 £55.00
FOULDS, Adam In The Wolf's Mouth *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 2014 £32.00
HERBERT, James Portent *SIGNED First Edition* London: Hodder & Stoughton 1992 £35.00
BUTLER, Nickolas Shotgun Love Songs *SIGNED First Edition* London: Picador 2014 £22.00
EGOLF, Tristan Lord of The Barnyard *SIGNED First Edition* London: Picador 1998 £85.00
EGOLF, Tristan Lord of The Barnyard *First Edition - PROOf copy* London: Picador 1998 £35.00
THEROUX, Paul Sunrise With Sea Monsters *SIGNED First Edition* London: Hamish Hamilton 1985 £35.00
NESBO, Jo The Son *First Edition* London: Harvill Secker 2014 £24.00
LEON, Donna By Its Cover *SIGNED First Edition* London: Heinemann 2014 £32.00
FRIEL, Brian The Loves of Cass McGuire *First Edition* London: Faber 1967 £25.00
STEINBECK, John The Winter of our Discontent *First Edition* London: Heinemann 1961 £20.00
KENT, Hannah Burial Rites *First Edition* London: Piacdor 2013 £28.00
FRASER, George MacDonald The Reavers *SIGNED First Edition* London: £20.00
HAMID, Mohsin The Reluctant Fundamentalist *First Edition* London: Hamish hamilton 2007 £20.00
FOULDS, Adam In The Wolf's Mouth *SIGNED/Inscribed PROOF copy* London: Cape 2014 £22.00
BARRY, Sebastian The Temporary Gentleman *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2014 £28.00
BAILEY, Paul The Prince's Boy *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2014 £30.00
OYEYEMI, Helen Boy, Snow, Bird *SIGNED First Edition* London: Picador 2014 £20.00
BUTLER, Nickolas Shotgun Love Songs *SIGNED First Edition* London: Picador 2014 £20.00
BOLING, Dave The Undesirables *SIGNED First Edition* London: Picador 2014 £22.00
CARTER, M.J. The Strangler Vine *SIGNED First Edition* London: Fig Tree 2014 £40.00
FRASER, George Macdonald Flashman & The Redskins *First Edition London: Collins 1982 £28.00
NESBO, Jo Police *First Edition with red edge of text block* London: HarvillSecker 2013 £33.00
MacInnes, Colin Absolute Beginners *First Edition* London: Macgibbon & Kee 1959 £35.00
BALLARD, J.G. The Day of Creation *SIGNED First Edition* London: Gollancz 1987 £40.00
DORN, Edward Gunslinger 1&2 *First Edition* London: Fulcrum Press 1970 £25.00
STUART, Francis States of Mind *First Edition* Dublin: Raven Arts Press 1984 £25.00
ROTH, Philip Letting Go *First Edition* London: Andre Deutsch 1962 £35.00
GREEN, Sally Half Bad *SIGNED First Edition* London: Penguin 2014 £75.00
HEANEY, Seamus District & Circle *First Edition* London: Faber 2006 £25.00
AMIS, Martin Heavy Water & Other Stories *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 1998 £22.00
ROB SMITH, Tom The Secret Speech *SIGNED First Edition* London: Simon & Schuster 2009 £25.00
TARTT, Donna The Little Friend *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2002 £26.00
GAIMAN, Neil The Ocean at the end of the Lane *SIGNED First Edition* London: Headline 2013 £35.00
BOYD, William Nate Tate *SIGNED First Edition* London: 21 Publishing 1998 £38.00
RYAN, Donal The Thing About December *SIGNED True First Edition* Dublin: Lilleput Press 2013 £40.00
ROB SMITH, Tom The Farm *SIGNED First Edition* London: Simon & Schuster 2014 £24.00
KUSHNER, Rachel Telex From Cuba *UK Uncorrected proof copy* London: Vintage 2014 £20.00
HAMID, Mohsin Moth Smoke *First Edition* NY: FSG 2000 £30.00
MURDOCH, Iris The Sea, The Sea *First Edition* London: Chatto & Windus 1978 £30.00
HOLLINGHURST, Alan The Line of Beauty *First Edition* London: Picador 2004 £35.00
BANKS, Iain The Steep Approach To Garbadale *SIGNED First Edition* London: Little, Brown 2007 £27.00
ROWLING, J.K. Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix *First Edition* London: Bloomsbury2003 £20.00
SELF, Will Walking To Hollywood *Proof copy* London: Bloomsbury 2010 £20.00
WILSON, Carter Crazy February *First Edition* London: Gollancz 1966 £20.00
MACLEOD, Alison The Wave Theory of Angels *First Edition* London: Hamish Hamilton 2005 £25.00
RUSHDIE, Salman Shame *First Edition* London: Cape 1983 £20.00
NESBO, Jo The Leopard *First Edition* London: Harvill Secker 2010 £22.00
FAULKS, Sebastian Jeeves and the Wedding Bells *First Edition* London: Hutchinson 2013 £20.00
McFARLANE, Fiona The Night Guest *SIGNED First Edition* London: Sceptre 2014 £25.00
PENNY, Louise Dead Cold *First Edition* London: Headline 2006 £75.00
PENNY, Louise Still Life *Uncorrected proof copy* London: Headline 2005 £75.00
PENNY, Louise Still Life *First Edition* London: Headline 2005 £75.00
GREENLEAF, Stephen Grave Error *First Edition* London: New English Library 1981 £45.00
BANKS, Iain Canal Dreams *First Edition* London:Macmillan 1989 £50.00
MARSHALL SMITH, Michael One Of Us *SIGNED First Edition* London: HarperCollins 1998 £25.00
MARSHALL SMITH, Michael What You Make IT *SIGNED First Edition* London: HarperCollins 1999 £38.00
KING, Stephen Different Seasons *First Edition* London: Macdonald & Co 1982 £55.00
KOONTZ, Dean R The Mask *First Hardcover Edition* London: Headline 1989 £20.00
AMIS, Kingsley New Maps of Hell *First Edition* London: Gollancz 1961 £40.00
PULLMAN, Philip How To Be Cool *SIGNED First Edition* London: Heinemann 1987 £35.00
BANVILLE, John The Infinities *SIGNED First Edition* London: Picador 2009 £25.00
CAREY, Peter Wrong About Japan *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2005 £27.00
GALGUT, Damon In A Strange Room *SIGNED and dated First Edition* London: Atlantic Books 2010 £35.00
BRIGGS, Raymond Ethel & Ernest *First Edition* London: Cape 1998 £22.00
BINET, Laurent HHhH *First Edition* London: Harvill Secker 2012 £22.00
JAMES, P.D. Death Comes To Pemberley *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2011 £35.00
EUGENIDES, Jeffey Middlesex *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2002 £45.00
IRVING, John A Son of The Circus *SIGNED Copy 1/2* London: Blooomsbury 1994 £33.00
LALWANI, Nikita Gifted *SIGNED First Edition* London: Viking 2007 £20.00
LECKIE, Ann Ancillary Justice *First Edition* London: Orbit 2013 £20.00
TSIOLKAS, Christos Barracuda *SIGNED First Edition* London: Tuskar Rock Press 2014 £27.00
BANVILLE, John The Sea (A screenplay) *SIGNED Limited Edition* London: Enitharmon 2014 £105.00
BARRY, Sebastian The Temporary Gentleman *SIGNED Limited Edition* London: Enitharmon 2014 £80.00
ERDRICH, Louise The Round House * UK Proof copy* London: Corsair 2013 £20.00
JAMES, P.D. The Murder Room *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2003 £24.00
FORD, Richard Canada *UK First Edition Numbered proof copy* London: Bloomsbsury2012 £20.00
WOODWARD, Gerard The Unwriter & other poems *First Edition* Oxford: Sycamore Press 1989 £35.00
HUGHES, Ted New Selected Poems 1957-1994 *Proof copy* London: Faber 1995 £20.00
LE CARRE, John Single & Single *Proof copy* London: Hodder & Stoughton 1999 £20.00
BURGESS, Anthony Napoleon Sympathy *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 1974 £45.00
RUSHDIE, Salman The Jaguar Smile *SIGNED First Edition* London: Picador 1987 £25.00
BRIGGS, Raymond Ethel and Ernest: A True Story *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 1998 £275.00
BURGESS, Anthony A Dead Man In Deptford *SIGNED proof copy* London: Hutchinson 1993 £20.00
HUGHES, Ted New Selected Poems *First Edition PROOF copy* London: Faber 1995 £20.00
PULLMAN, Philip Lyra's Oxford *SIGNED First Edition* Oxford: David Fickling Books 2003 £20.00
McCARTHY, Cormac The Stonemason *First Edition* Hopewell: The Ecco Press 1994 £20.00
KAVANAGH, Dan (Julian Barnes) Going To The Dogs *SIGNED First Edition* London: Viking 1987 £25.00
DEANE, Seamus Civilians & Barbarians * SIGNED First Edition* Derry: Orchard Gallery 1983 £35.00
WELSH. Irvine Ecstasy *First Edition* London: Cape 1996 £20.00
McGUCKIAN, Medbh Venus and the Rain *SIGNED Fisrt Edition* Oxford: OUP 1984 £24.00
JAMES, P.D. Time To Be In Earnest *SIGNED First Edition* London:Faber 1999 £22.00
MAHON, Derek The Seaside Cemetery *SIGNED First Edition* Oldcastle: Gallery Press 2001 £35.00
HEANEY, Seamus Human Chain *PROOF copy* London: Faber 2010 £95.00
HEANEY, Seamus The Spirit Level *PROOF copy* London: Faber 1996 £25.00
HEANEY, Seamus and Derek Mahon In Their Element *First Edition* Belfast: Arts Council 1977 £45.00
STEADMAN, Ralph The Big I Am *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 1988 £125.00
STEADMAN, Ralph I, Leonardo *SIGNED and doodled First Edition* London:Cape 1983 £95.00
STEADMAN, Ralph Scar Strangled Banner *SIGNED First Edition* London: Harrap 1987 £65.00
STEADMAN, Ralph Still Life With Bottle *SIGNED First Edition* London: Ebury Press 1994 £150.00
BLAKE, Peter Venice Fantasies *SIGNED By the artist* London: Enitharmon 2009 £85.00
HUGHES, Ted Shaggy and Spotty *Proof copy* London: Faber 1997 £20.00
BLAKE, Quentin The Story of the Dancing Frog *First Edition* London: Cape 1984 £30.00
WESLEY, Mary Haphazard House *SIGNED First Edition* London:J M Dent 1983 £55.00
WALCOTT, Derek Tiepolo's Hound *SIGNED Limited Edition* London: Faber 2000 £125.00
ROY, Arundhati The God of Small Things *SIGNED First Edition* London: Flamingo 1997 £125.00
HEANEY, Seamus Finders Keepers *First Edition* London: Faber 2002 £20.00
TOIBIN, Colm Love In A Dark Time *Proof copy* London: Picador 2001 £25.00
DUNN, Douglas Elegies *First Edition - hardcover issue* London: Faber 1985 £30.00
AMIS, Martin Time's Arrow *SIGNED Limited Edition* London: Cape/London Limited Editions 1991 £95.00
BANVILLE, John God's Gift *First Edition* Oldcastle: Gallery Press 2000 £35.00
FOWLES, John Lyme Regis - three town walks *First Edition* Lyme Regis Museum: 1983 £20.00
COLLINS, Michael The Feminists Go Swimming *First Edition* London: Phoenix House 1995 £20.00
GOLDING, William Fire Down Below *Proof copy* London: Faber 1989 £30.00
McGAHERN, John That They May Face The Rising Sun *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2002 £95.00
WELSH, Irvine The Marabou Stork Nightmares *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 1995 £20.00
HEANEY, Seamus An Open Letter *First Edition* Derry: Field day 1983 £30.00
TAYLOR, G.P. Shadowmancer *SIGNED First Edition* n.p. Mount Publishing 2002 £95.00
WELSH, Irvine Ecstasy *Proof copy* London: Cape 1996 £20.00
DOUGLAS, Keith Selected Poems (Ted Hughes introduction) First Edition London: Faber 1964 £25.00
HUGHES, Ted Sunday *First Edition* Cambridge University Press 1972 £50.00
TREVOR, William Felicia's Journey *Proof copy* London: Viking 1994 £20.00
DOYLE, Roddy A Star Called Henry *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 1999 £20.00
WELSH, Irvine The Marabou Stork Nightmares *Proof copy* London: Cape 1995 £20.00
RUSHDIE, Salman East, West *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 1994 £20.00
McEWAN, Ian Saturday *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 2005 £20.00
MAMET, David Wilson *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2000 £20.00
ACKROYD, Peter Dressing Up *First Edition* London: Thames & Hudson 1979 £20.00
McEWAN, Ian Soursweet *First Edition* Faber 1988 £30.00
CARTER, Angela Miss Z, The Dark Young Lady *First Edition* London: Heineman 1970 £75.00
HOLLINGHURST, alan The Folding Star *First Edition - great copy* London: Chatto & Windus 1994 £20.00
McGUCKIAN, Medbh The Flower Master *SIGNED First Edition* Oxford: OUP 1982 £28.00
MAHON, Derek Huts and Sheds *SIGNED Limited Edition* Oldcastle: Gallery Press 2011 £30.00
DIBDIN, Michael The Tryst *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 1989 £35.00
McEWAN, Ian Saturday *Uncommon First Edition proof copy* London: Cape 2005 £35.00
HILL, Reginald A Fairly Dangerous Thing *First Edition* London: Collins Crime Club 1972 £24.00
STEADMAN, Ralph Animal Farm *SIGNED First Edition* London:Secker & Warburg 1995 £125.00
HEANEY, Seamus Beowulf *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 1999 £225.00
DESAI, Kiran The Inheritance of Loss *First Edition* London: Hamish Hamilton 2006 £25.00
LARSSON, Stieg The Girl Who Played With Fire *First Edition* London: Maclehose/Quercus 2009 £40.00
LAHIRI, Jhumpa The Namesake *First Edition* London: Flamingo 2004 £25.00
TREVOR, William The Hill Bachelors *First Edition* London: Viking 2000 £20.00
STROSS, Charles Singularity Sky *SIGNED First Edition* London: Orbit 2004 £35.00
HOPKINSON, Simon The Vegetarian Option *First Edition* London: Quadrille 2009 £25.00
NESBO, Jo Nemesis *First Edition* London: Harvill Secker 2008 £55.00
FAULKS, Sebastian A Possible Life *SIGNED First Edition* London: Hutchinson 2012 £27.00
ENG, Tan Twan The Gift of Rain *First Edition* Newcastle: Myrmidon2007 £28.00
HARRISON, Jim Warlock *First Edition* London: Collins 1981 £20.00
CREELEY, Robert The God Diggers *First Edition* London: Calder 1965 £20.00
PATERSON, Don God's Gift To Women *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 1997 £22.00
OSWALD, Alice Memorial *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2011 £30.00
LESSING, Doris Tangled Web *SIGNED First Edition* Hay: Festival Press 2007 £50.00
FORNA, Aminatta Ancestor Stones *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2006 £40.00
BENNETT, Alan People *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2012 £25.00
BENNETT, Alan The Habit of Art *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2009 £25.00
ATWOOD, Margaret Oryx & Crake *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2003 £30.00
RAHILL, Elske Between Dog and Wolf *First Edition* Dublin: Lilliput 2013 £20.00
DE LA PAVA, Sergio A Naked Singularity *SIGNED First Edition* London: Quercus 2013 £40.00
NESBO, Jo Cockroaches *First Edition* London: Harvill Secker 2013 £28.00
AMIS, Kingsley The Anti-Death League *SIGNED First Edition 1/2* London: Gollancz 1972 £25.00
PYM, Barbara The Sweet Dove Died *First Edition* London: Macmillan 1978 £25.00
WASCOM, Kent The Blood of Heaven *First UK Edition - Review copy* London: Grove Press UK 2013 £20.00
BANKS, Russell Hamilton Stark *First Edition* Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1978 £20.00
LAHIRI, Jhumpa Unaccustomed Earth *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2008 £35.00
BULAWAYO, Violet We Need New Names *SIGNED First Edition* London: Chatto & Windus 2013 £32.00
LESSING, Doris Tangled Web *SIGNED First Edition* Hay: Festival Press 2007 £40.00
FAULKS, Sebastian Charlotte Gray *SIGNED First Edition* London: Hutchinson 1998 £27.00
KINGSOLVER, Barbara Flight Behaviour *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2012 £50.00
KINGSOLVER, Barbara Prodigal Summer *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2000 £25.00
JAMES, P.D. The Private Patient *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2008 £28.00
MITCHELL, David Black Swan Green *SIGNED Limited Edition* London: Sceptre 2006 £36.00
CHENG, Bill Southern Cross The Dog *SIGNED/Numbered UK First Edition* London: Amistad 2013 £24.00
SINCLAIR, Iain American Smoke *SIGNED First Edition* London: Hamish Hamilton 2013 £35.00
McCARTHY, Cormac The Counselor *First Edition* London: Picador 2013 £24.00
FAULKS, Sebastian Jeeves and the Wedding Bells *SIGNED First Edition* London: Hutchinson 2013 £29.00
PEACE, David Red or Dead *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2013 £28.00
DRABBLE, Margaret The Pure Gold Baby *SIGNED First Edition* Edinburgh: Canongate 2013 £33.00
SANSOM, C.J. Dominion *SIGNED First Edition* London: Mantle 2012 £24.00
GADDIS, William Carpenter's Gothic *First Edition - uncorrected proof copy* NY: Viking 1985 £30.00
BANVILLE, John The Sea *SIGNED Limited Edition* Picador/Joe McCann 2005 £295.00
O'HANLON, Redmond Congo Journey *SIGNED copy 1/2* London: Hamish Hamilton 1996 £20.00
BOYD, William Solo *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 2013 £30.00
KELMAN, Stephen Pigeon English *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2011 £25.00
ACKROYD, Peter Three Brothers *SIGNED First Edition* London: Chatto & Windus 2013 £26.00
AMIS, Martin Einstein's Monsters *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 1987 £25.00
MULDOON, Paul Why Brownlee Left *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 1980 £35.00
ADAMS, Richard Girl In A Swing *SIGNED Proof copy* London: Allen lane 1980 £25.00
COPE, Wendy If I Don't Know *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2001 £20.00
KUREISHI, Hanif The Buddha of Suburbia *SIGNED Proof copy* London: Faber 1990 £40.00
NESBO, Jo The Bat *SIGNED First Edition* London: Harvill Secker 2012 £40.00
NESBO, Jo Police *First Edition* London: Harvill Secker 2013 £22.00
KENEALLY, Thomas The People's Train *SIGNED First Edition* London: Sceptre 2009 £25.00
EGOLF, Tristan Lord of the Barnyard *First Edition* London: Picador 1998 £20.00
WILSON, A.N. Unguarded Hours *First Edition* London: Secker & Warburg 1978 £27.00
HEANEY, Seamus Human Chain *First Edition* London: Faber 2010 £26.00
HEANEY, Seamus Anything Can Happen *First Edition* Dublin: Townhouse 2004 £20.00
KENEALLY, Thomas Lincln *SIGNED First Edition* London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2003. £28.00
KENEALLY, Thomas The Widow & Her Hero *SIGNED First Edition* London: Sceptre 2009 £26.00
CARTWRIGHT, Justin To Heaven By Water *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2009 £24.00
DESAI, Kiran The Inheritance of Loss *SIGNED First Edition* London: Hamish Hamilton 2006 £45.00
CARTWRIGHT, Justin The Promise of Happiness *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2004 £24.00
ASLAM, Nadeem The Blind Man's Garden *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2013 £24.00
BOYD, William Restless *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2006 £28.00
CARTWRIGHT, Justin The Song Before It Is Sung *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2007 £25.00
MILLER, Madeline The Song of Achilles *First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2011 £28.00
LARSSON, Stieg The Millenium Trilogy Boxed set *First Editons thus* London: Maclehose 2010 £75.00
RAISIN, Ross God's Own Country *First Edition* London: Viking 2008 £22.00
ATWOOD, Margaret Maddaddam *First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2013 £23.00
BANKS, Iain The Quarry *First Edition* London: Little, Brown 2013 £30.00
ROWLING, J.K. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire *First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2000 £25.00
AMIS, Martin Success *First Edition - unfaded jacket* London: Cape 1978 £125.00
McCANN, Colum Transatlantic *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2013 £33.00
LAWSON, Mark The Deaths *SIGNED First Edition* London: Piacdor 2013 £27.00
LAHIRI, Jhumpa The Lowland *First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2013 £28.00
PULLMAN, Philip The Amber Spyglass *First Edition* London:David Fickling Books 2000 £20.00
ATWOOD, Margaret First Edition - UK PROOF copy* London: Bloomsbury 2013 £35.00
NESS, Patrick More Than This *SIGNED First Edition* London: Walker Books 2013 £24.00
SHANNON, Samantha The Bone Season *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2013 £155.00
PLATH, Sylvia The It-Doesn’t Matter Suit *Proof copy* London: Faber 1996 £25.00
DIBDIN, Michael The Tryst *SIGNED Proof copy* London: Faber 1989 £20.00
FRAYN, Michael Headlong *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 1999 £25.00
SINCLAIR, Iain Suicide Bridge *SIGNED First Edition* London: Albion Village Press 1979 £65.00
(MULDOON, Paul) contributes Poetry: Introduction 2 London: Faber 1972 £20.00
HARRISON, T.W. (Tony) Earthworks *SIGNED First Edition* Leeds: Northern House 1964 £50.00
FENTON, James A Vacant Possession *SIGNED First Edition* London: TNR 1978 £35.00
KENEALLY, Thomas Gossip Frtom The Forest *First Edition - great copy* London: Collins 1975 £20.00
WILLOCKS, Tim Green River Rising *SIGNED First Edition* London: Cape 1994 £20.00
DEANE, Seamus Selected Poems *SIGNED First Edition* Oldcastle: Gallery Press 1988 £45.00
WILSON, Jacqueline Snap *First Edition* London: Macmillan 1974 £35.00
PRATCHETT, Terry The Last Hero *SIGNED Deluxe Edition* London: Gollancz 2001 £135.00
JORDAN, Neil Angel *First Edition* London: Faber 1989 £25.00
VINE, Barbara Asta'a Book *SIGNED Limited Edition* Bristol: Scorpion Press 1993 £45.00
PINTER, Harold Moonlight *First Edition* London: Faber 1993 £24.00
WALTERS, Minette The Sculptress *SIGNED First Edition* London: Macmillan 1993 £20.00
WELSH, Irvine Past Tense *First Edition* South Queensferry: n.d £75.00
DURRELL, Lawrence Conon's Songs From Exile *Limited Edition* Birmingham: Delos Press 1992 £20.00
RUSHDIE, Salman The Moor's Last Sigh *SIGNED Limited Edition PROOF copy* London: Cape 1995 £25.00
WILLIAMS, Hugo Sugar Daddy *First Edition* London: OUP 1970 £20.00
ENRIGHT, Anne Taking Pictures *SIGNED First Edition* London:Cape 2008 £30.00
KIMBERLING, Brian Snapper *SIGNED First Edition* London: Tinder Press/Headline 2013 £27.00
SHANNON, Samantha The Bone Season *First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2013 £33.00
STROSS, Charles Neptune's Blood *SIGNED First Edition* London: Orbit 2013 £28.00
KUSHNER, Rachel The Flamethrowers *SIGNED UK First Edition* London:Harvill Secker 2013 £45.00
SHEERS, Owen Resistance *SIGNED Limited Edition* London: Faber/Goldsboro 2007 £30.00
DE BERNIERES, Louis Labels *SIGNED First Edition* London: One Horse Press 1993 £20.00
SEYMOUR, Gerald The Corporal's Wife *SIGNED First Edition* London: Hodder & Stoughton 2013 £20.00
MOGGACH, Deborah Heartbreak Hotel *SIGNED First Edition* London: Chatto & Windus 2013 £24.00
McCULLIN, Don A Day in The Life of The Beatles *First Edition* London: Cape 2010 £75.00
WALTON, Jo Among Others *UK Proof copy* London: Corsair 2013 £35.00
MEYER, Philipp The Son *UK Proof copy* London: Simon & Schuster 2013 £30.00
GEMMELL, Stella The City *SIGNED First Edition* London: bantam Press 2013 £25.00
SWIFT, Graham Wish You Were Here *SIGNED First Edition* London:Picador 2011 £22.00
RANKIN, Ian Standing In Another Man's Grave *SIGNED First Edition* London: Orion 2012 £28.00
MUKHERJEE, Neel A life Apart *First Edition* London: Constable & Robinson 2010 £20.00
WILSON, D.W. Ballistics *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2013 £24.00
TOIBIN, Colm The Master *SIGNED First Edition* London: Picador 2004 £50.00
McADAM, Colin Some Great Thing *SIGNED First Edition* Vancouver: Raincoast Books 2004 £25.00
YAN, Mo POW! *First Edition* London: Seagull Books 2012 £25.00
O'FAOLAIN, Julia Godded and Codded *First Edition* London: Faber 1970 £35.00
SCHLEE, Ann Rhine Journey *First Edition* London: Macmillan 1981 £25.00
TRAVEN, B. The Bridge In The Jungle *First Edition* NY: Knopf 1938 £20.00
TREVOR, William Mrs Eckdorf In O'Neill's Hotel *First Edition* London: Bodley Head 1969 £20.00
MANTEL, Hilary An Experiment In Love *First Edition* London: Viking 1995 £25.00
CAIN, James M. Serenade *First Edition* London: Cape 1938 £20.00
BULAWAYO, NoViolet. We Need New Names *First Edition* London: Chatto & Windus 2013 £28.00
PRICE, Reynolds A Long & Happy Life *First UK Edition* London: Chatto & Windus 1962 £35.00
PRICE, Reynolds The Names and Faces of Heroes *First UK Edition* London: Chatto & Windus 1963 £24.00
WILLIAMS, Tennessee The Glass Menagerie *First UK Edition* London: John Lehmann 1948 £25.00
WILLIAMS, Tennessee A Streetcar Named Desire *First UK Edition* London: John lehmann 1949 £25.00
HOBB, Robin Shaman's Crossing *SIGNED Limited Edition* London: HarperCollins 2005 £38.00
JOHNSON, Adam The Orphan's Master's Son *SIGNED First Edition* London: Doubleday 2013 £35.00
PAMUK, Orhan Silent House *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2012 £30.00
SELF, Will Walking To Hollywood *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2010 £24.00
WERTENBAKER, Timberlake After Darwin *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 1998 £35.00
WERTENBAKER, Timberlake The Break of Day *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 1995 £35.00
TREMIAN, Rose The Jester of Astapovo *SIGNED First Edition* Hay:Festival Press 2009 £22.00
PAMUK, Orhan The Museum of Innocence *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2010 £50.00
SELF, Will The Butt *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2008 £24.00
CORNWELL, Bernard Sharpe's Story *SIGNED First Edition* London: HarperCollins 2006 £25.00
BLACK, Benjamin (John BANVILLE) A Death In Summer *SIGNED First Edition* London: Mantle 2011 £30.00
PAMUK, Orhan My father's Suitcase *SIGNED First Edition* London: Faber 2006 £65.00
McCANN, Colum This Side of Brightness *SIGNED First Edition* London: 1998 £24.00
McCANN, Colum Dancer *SIGNED First Edition* London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2005 £25.00
TREMAIN, Rose Trespass *SIGNED First Edition* London: Chatto & Windus 2010 £22.00
BOYD, William Waiting For Sunrise *SIGNED First Edition* London: Bloomsbury 2012 £28.00
McCANN, Colum Zoli *SIGNED First Edition* London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2006 £25.00
CAREY, Peter True History of the Kelly Gang *SIGNED First Edition* London:Faber 2001 £30.00
BECKETT, Chris The Holy Machine *SIGNED UK First Edition* London: Corvus 2011 £20.00
BECKETT, Chris Dark Eden *SIGNED First Edition* London: Corvus/Atlantic 2012 £35.00
SHARPE, Tom Wilt In Nowhere *SIGNED First Edition* London: Hutchinson 2004 £35.00
TREVOR, William Miss Gomez and the Brethren *First Edition* London: Bodley Head 1971 £45.00
BOYLE, T. C. Water Music *First Edition* London: Gollancz £42.00