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PALMISTRY; HAND O GRAPHS: HAND O GRAPHS,, , printed album in the form of a quarto autograph album except that the contributor also draws an outline of their hand, signed and dated, in a designated space. The first examples are printed - one of them being Marion Terry whilst Andrew Carnegie's hand appears as an example on the from cover. Other original examples are added (about 30 of them) dated from 1907 - 1914 including several of military men. An Edwardian curiosity in good original order bound in green cloth, London, Dow, c.1907. (Book ref. 13737) £ 20.00

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Offered for sale by: Jeffrey Stern Antiquarian Bookseller
Contact: Dr. Jeffrey Stern
Address: Little Hall, Heslington, York, England, YO10 5EB
Phone: 01904 413711
Fax: 01904 412761
Returns: Orders must be prepaid before sending but are returnable for a full refund if found not to be as described.
Shipping: Postage is charged at cost.
Payment: We accept credit and bank cards, UK cheques, money orders, direct bank credit.
Specialities: Established in 1971, we offer a large stock of academic books in most subjects and also rare antiquarian books in our specialist areas of economics, social sciences, education, early photography and others. We also buy books from large collections to single rare items.
Status: Bookdealer
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