London: Rich & Cowan, 1937. Illustrated by Plates. Second Edition. Hard Cover. Very Good/Very Good. 8vo Dust jacket, slight wear to edges, a little darkening to spine, 10s. 6d. net price on flap. Black cloth with gilt titling on spine. Map end papers. No ownership inscription. Frontis plate. A few foxing spots to page tips. 440 pages clean and tight. In this book H. V. Morton describes a journey through Syria, Palestine, Cyprus, Turkey, Macedonia, Greece, Rhodes, Malta and Italy. Taking the ACTS OF THE APOSTLES as his guide, the author follows the steps of the Apostle from his birthplace at Tarsus to the scene of his martyrdom at Rome. (Book ref. 122583)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
Gairdner, Rev. W H T The Reproach of Islam
London: London Missionary Society, 1909. Illustrated by Plates, Fold Out Map. First Ediition. Hard Cover. Good/No DJ. 8vo green cloth, spine faded, white titling on upper cover. No ownership inscription. Frontis plate, xvi, 380 pages clean and tight. Controversial book about helping Christian missionaries preaching the Christian religion in Islamic countries. (Book ref. 121911)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
Parkinson, James (edited By William Bates) A Loyal Oration
Birmingham: William Downing, 1884. Limited Edition. Half Leather. Very Good +. 7" By 9" Tall Birmingham reprints No 1. The Loyal Operation 1717. This book is a reprint of book said to be the first printed in Birmingham. "A Loyal Oration," composed by the Rev. James Parkinson, at one time Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, and, at the date of composing the oration, Chief Master of the Free School of King Edward's School, Birmingham. A custom of the school was the public delivery, at the Market Cross of an "oration" by masters or students. On November 5. Parkinson's oration, " a short account of several plots, some purely Popish, other mixt," was "spoke by his son" on December 10, 1716, and was "printed and sold by Matthew Unwin, near S. Martin's Church, 1717." A reprint of fifty copies was made in 1884. Aneed by way of Postscript. THE AUTHOR'S LETTER TO THE REVEREND MR. HIGGS Rector of St Philip,s Church in Birmingham etc. Edited, with an introduction notice, by William Bates, B.A. Reprinted for William Downing, by Robert Birbeck. xix, 38, very clean and tight. (Book ref. 121877)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
Mother Maria AN INTRODUCTION TO THE DIVINE LITURGY [Library of Orthodox Thinking] Pamphlet No 2.
Normanby Whitby: Greek Orthodox Monastery of the Assumption, 1975. First Edition. Card Cover. Very Good. 8vo 090345500X Stapled Wraps. 31 p.clean and tight. (Book ref. 121830)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
N H Bennett The Register of Richard Fleming, Bishop of Lincoln 1420-31, Volume I, the Canterbury and York Society Part CXLVI Vol. LXXIII
The Canterbury and York Society, 1984. Soft Cover. Very Good. Lge 8vo Green firm card covers titling in black. Sound binding. 148 pages clean and tight. (Book ref. 121753)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
BOUTELL, Charles Christian monuments in England and Wales: an historical sketch. from about the era of the Norman Conquest to the time of Edward IV.
London: George Bell, 1854. Illustrated by Numerous Plates Illustrations. First Edition. Hard Cover. Good/No DJ. Slim 4to Brown cloth, blindstamped, gilt titling, badly rubbed and worn cover. No inscription. viii, 156 pages clean and tight. (Book ref. 121717)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
Lang, Andrew Myth, Ritual, and Religion 2 Volumes.
London: Longmans, Green, and Co.,, 1887. First Edition. Hard Cover. Good/No DJ. 8vo Green cloth very rubbed and faded. Fading gilt titling on spine but still clear. Previous owner's book plate on f. paste downs. Previous owner's details on ffeps. Some pencil annotation. Volume 1. 340 pages. Volume 2. 373 pages. (Book ref. 121262)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
F. M. R. Emblematic Illumination ; or, forms, colours, and emblems suitable for illuminating texts of Holy Scripture in large style, in oils or water-colours. Collected and edited by F. M. R.
London: Day and Son. Illustrated by 7 Full Page Colour Plates, Illustrations in Text. Hard Cover. Good. 7.5" by 8.75" Tall Circa 1860. Collected and Edited by F.M.R. , Original mauvre embossed cloth, gilt titling and decoration, gilt to all edges. Small book plate on f. paste down. Repair between f. end papers. Frontispiece colour plate. 24 pages of text, 6 colour plates after text. One closed tears 2" at top of contents page. Sections: Selected List of Materials, with Prices: Preface: Forms, Outlines, Etc. : Illuminating in Water-Colours and Gold : Illuminating in Oils and Gold : Symbolism of Colours : Emblems : Sacred Monograms : Description of Initial Letters and Suitable Texts : Conclusion : Plates. Small 4to. Clean and tight. Scarce. (Book ref. 121096)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
London: Cassell & Co. Illustrated by M. GUSTAVE DORE. New Edition. Hard Cover. Very Good/No DJ. Lge 4to 10 x 13". Red buckram covered boards. Bright gilt titling and illustration. Spine still bright. No date but late 19th Centuary. 60 full page b/w Dore illustrations including frontis. 337 pages clean and tight. Exceptional condition for this title. Will be posted within the UK for the default price. No international Air Mail available due to heavy weight. (Book ref. 120926)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
Stewart, The Reverend D.J. On the Architectural History of Ely Cathedral
London: John Van Voorst, 1868. Illustrated by Illustrations. Plates.. First Edition. Hard Cover. Good/No DJ. 8vo Original blind stamped cloth, faded spine, gilt titling. Book plate on f. paste down & half title. No ffep. Frontis plate. viii, 296 pages plus Plates - Fold out map of Ely. fold out Plan of Monastic Remains of Ely. Plan of Ely Cathedral. Ely Cathedral Section of the Presbytery. Ely Cathedral Details of West Trasept & Priory Chapel. Ely Cathedral Details of Presbyterry & West Porch. Ely Cathedral Details of Presbytery, Gate House. Ely Cathedral Details of Presbytery & Latern. Fold out plan of Ely. (Book ref. 120839)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
Walker, John W and Walker, Margaret I. (Editors) The Church Plate of Berkshire
Winchester: Privately Printed by Warren and Son, 1927. Illustrated by Numerous Photographs & Plates. First Edition. Hard Cover. Very Good/Hard Cover. Thick 8vo Blue cloth with bright gilt titling on spine. Tear to cloth at top of spine. Previous owner's inscription and book plate on end papers. Tissue guarded frontis plate. A few light foxing spots. xiv, 384 pages. Binding tight. (Book ref. 120825)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
Cambridge: Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 1898. Illustrated by Plates. Hard Cover. Very Good/No DJ. 8vo Brown cloth with embossed gilt titling on spine. No ownership marks. Neat name on title page. vii, 197 pp including index, b&w plates, clean and tight. From Preface "WHEN this publication was first rojected I had hopes that the portion of it relating to the buildings of the Nunnery would have been, wholly or in part, furnished by my friend, Mr T. D. Atkinson. Though Mr Atkinson's engagements have prevented him from taking so large a part in the work as was originally contemplated, I gratefully acknowledge the assistance he has throughout given me both in exploration of sites and buildings and in placing at my disposal his notes and suggestions. The extent of my indebtedness to the Architectural History is, I hope, apparent in the section dealing with the Nunnery buildings. But my principal obligation to the Registrary is not of the kind that can be acknowledged in a footnote. Without his suggestion this work would never have been written ; without the advantage of his counsel and knowledge it would have been much more imperfect than it is. Among other friends who have given me valuable help are Prof. Maitland, Prof. Skeat, the Rev. J. H. Crosby, Minor Canon of Ely, and the Rev. O. Fisher, Honorary Fellow of Jesus College and Rector of Harlton. The Catalogue of Charters here printed includes only such as relate to property situated in the town and fields of Cambridge. I have not deemed it worth while to give abstracts of those which are concerned with . the scattered holdings of the Nuns in other places. The Catalogue remarkably supplements the very detailed information about medieval Cambridge which is supplied by the Hundred Rolls. Combining what is to be learnt from each source it would be no difficult task to make a very complete directory of the town in the last quarter of the 13th century. The witnesses to the Charters in most cases were the mayor and four bailiffs with two or three occupants of property adjoining the tenement in question. I have generally given the name of the first witness only. Extracts of some length from the Account Rolls were given in the First Report of the Historical MSS. commissioners: the accounts in full are here printed for the first time. They furnish some interesting materials for illustrating life in an English Nunnery at the close of the middle ages. In the earlier and more prosperous years to which they introduce us, it is a life wholly untinged by the influences of the University. The Nuns were drawn from the families of the better class burgesses and lesser gentry of the county, and their habits and education were those of their class. The town and its religious houses still occupied in their outlook a far larger space than the University. The ' good friendship ' of the Chancellor in a matter, perhaps, of arbitration with a College was appropriately recompensed in the year 1449 1450 with a present of a crane, value twelve pence; it is set in quaint juxtaposition with the Christmas box to the Mayor's waits, who receive the magnificent sum of 2s. 3d. The proportion of the two sums is possibly an indication of the relative consequence io the Nuns' thoughts of the academic and municipal corporations, both of which, it may be observed, had an origin long subsequent to that of their own establishment. On the debated subject of the date of the first emergence of a University at Cambridge the S. Radegund's charters throw no light. Among the variety of tenants mentioned in the deeds of the 12th and 13th centuries there is no individual or corporation whose name or description suggests connection with an organized community of scholars. The surnames of the tenants previous to 1300 indicate that they were almost exclusively from the neighbourhood of Cambridge. Of migrants from Oxford or scholars from over sea there is no hint ; the Jews were the only strangers to Cambridge with whom the Nuns had acquaintance in those early days. A solitary ' Scolemayster ' (Charters 157, 158), who dwelt hard by the site on which Peterhouse afterwards rose, represents the learning of Cambridge in the first years of the 13th century. Possibly he was connected with a monastic school. Before taking leave of my subject I should not forget to mention two members of my College who have worked in the same field in generations by-gone. John Sherman's History of Jesus College (written about the year 1666) is introduced by a sketch of the History of the Nunnery which he entitles Reliquiae Sanctae Radegundis sive Fragmenta quaedam His- toriae Prioratus. Sherman had made a faithful study of the Nunnery muniments. He is generally accurate and, as he may have had before him documents which are not now discoverable, it is possible that he is right in some matters about which I have supposed him to be mistaken. But I do not think that since his time there has been any noteworthy subtraction from the Jesus muniments. Well protected from damp, dust and insects, they have probably profited by the neglect in which they have generally lain for 200 years. About the middle of last century their repose was disturbed by the careful hands of Dr Lynford Caryl, who was Master of Jesus, 1758 1780, and Registrary of the University from 1751 to 1758. He arranged and catalogued them in a very exact and methodical manner. Among his merits not the least was that of writing in a very clear and beautiful hand. I have discovered some fifty charters of Nunnery date which escaped his notice, but none of them are of much importance. When the present Treasury was built in 1875 and the documents were transferred to it, some of them were misplaced, and for a time I supposed them to be lost. But gradually all, or nearly all, those mentioned in Dr Caryl's catalogue have found their way back to their places. (Book ref. 120821)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
Hill, Arthur George Architectural and Historical Notices of the Churches of Cambridgeshire
London: Printed for the Author By Wiliam Clowes and Sons, 1880. Hard Cover. Very Good/No DJ. 8vo Green cloth with gilt titing and decoration, slightly rubbed to edge. No ownership inscription. vii, 238 pages clean and tight. CONTAINING AN ARCHITECTURAL ACCOUNT OF THE CHURCHES, REMARKS UPON, AND DESCRIPTIONS OF, OLD BRASSES AND TOMBS, INSCRIPTIONS, &c.; HISTORIES OF THE MANORS, AND PEDIGREES OF ANCIENT FAMILIES CONNECTED WITH THE FOLLOWING PLACES:- BOURN, BOTTISHAM, CAXTON, CHESTERTON, ELSWORTH, ELTISLEY, FEN DITTON, FOXTON, FULBOURN, GRANTCHESTER, HAUXTON, HILDERSHAM, HISTON, OVER, QUY, GREAT SHELFORD, LITTLE SHELFORD, SWAVESEY, AND WILLINGHAM; GIVING ALSO THE ARMS OF THE VARIOUS FAMILIES. From the Preface. "THE following architectural and historical sketches of some of the more interesting churches in Cambridgeshire, have been compiled from notes taken and collected by myself at various times during my residence at Cambridge. They do not, of course, pretend to give anything like an exhaustive history of the parishes, but all the more interesting historical facts have, I trust, been mentioned. The architectural criticisms (if such they may be called) are original, though since some of the churches were visited, restoration has, I believe, caused considerable alterations in the fabric, and incongruities of late date have been removed. It will be seen that I have not omitted noticing the late monuments or slabs of the 17th and 18th centuries, as, though these are not generally mentioned in such books as this, yet there is always some interest attached to them. A great deal of information has been obtained from the valuable Ms collections of William Cole (the antiquary of the last century) in the Library of the British Museum ; and the Mss of Lysons, Layer and Blomefield, besides various printed authorities, have also been consulted. The lists of rectors and vicars are taken from Cole and Mason." (Book ref. 120819)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
Cairns, The Rev. W.T. The Religion of Dr. Johnson and Other Studies.
London: Oxford University Press, 1946. Hard Cover. Good/No DJ. Sm 8vo Fading green cloth, gilt titling. Previous owner's inscription dated 1946 on ffep. . xiii, 137 pages clean and tight. (Book ref. 114358)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
Robinson, Rev. Robert (Editor) The Juvenile Missionary Magazine and Annual for 1868
London: London Missionary Society, 1868. Illustrated by Engravings. First Edition. Hard Cover. Good/No DJ. 4.5" By 7" Tall Cloth covered boards fading colour, bright gilt titling and decoration to upper cover, rubbed to top and tail of spine. Slightly bumped corners. Previous owner's name on ffep. Engraved frontis and title page. 240 pages clean and tight. (Book ref. 120601)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
Shaw, Henry The Encyclopędia Of Ornament. Illustrated By A Series Of Fifty-Nine Plates Of Ironwork, Lacework And Needlework, Tapestry, Stained Glass, Bookbindings, Tiles, Panels, Screens Etc.
Edinburgh: John Grant, 1898. Illustrated by Numerous Illustrations. Hard Cover. Good/No DJ. 4to Green cloth slightly rubbed to edges. Small inked out price on blank page. Title page dated 1898. Colour frontis plate,. colour decorated title page dated 1842. The author has given faithful representations of authentic models belonging to each particular class of design. Greece and Rome have left us specimens of foliage in which natural objects have been copied with classical elegance; but in the Middle Ages and Oriental examples we find a profusion of ornamental detail, rich in invention, of a grotesque and fanciful nature. At the period of the Renaissance, the elegant taste of the ancients was blended with mediaeval richness and .Eastern fancy. We look for the best specimens of painted glass in windows from the twelfth century to the fifteenth; for florid ornamental architecture in buildings of the same period ; for carvings and engraved ornaments, bindings of books, jewellery, embroidery, ornamental plate, and furniture, in the sixteenth century. We have elegant and rich designs of drapery during the Middle Ages. Foliage and scrollwork are peculiarly bold and effective in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries; and throughout the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries, arabesques are abundant. The present Volume contains Examples of most of these Classes, taken from the period at which each was in its greatest perfection, and the specimens are arranged in chronological order. Architectural Ornaments are given from works of various dates; stained glass from York, Durham, Canterbury, Salisbury, Cologne, Chartres, &c.; painted tiles of the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries, from Westminster, and Great Malvern in Worcestershire; carvings in wood and panels of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries ; rich ironwork of the thirteenth century, from the doors oof the church of Notre Dame at Paris ; ornamental drapery, velvet hangings, &c., from designs of the fifteenth century; lace and needlework of the seventeenth; bindings of books of the sixteenth century; and designs for jewellery, plate, and other ornamental articles, by Hans Holbein and contemporary artists. To the practical designer, therefore, this work is offered as a useful collection of pure studies of ancient works of art; while the amateur will find in it a correct series of illustration of the progress of ornamental design during a long period of history. (Book ref. 120557)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
Stevens, John Memoirs of Mr. John Stevens, Late Pastor of the Baptized Church of Christ, at Meard's Court, Dean Street, Soho, London: With a selection from his spiritual Correspondence
London: Houlston & Stoneman, 1848. Three-Quarter Leather. Good/No DJ. 8vo Three quarter leather. Badly rubbed leather over soiled worn boards. Name plate on f. paste down dated 1869. Previous owner's details and note about book pasted in blank before title page. A few spots. 395 pages including index clean and tight except for a very few anotations. A very scarce title. From the "PREFACE. THE following Volume of Memoirs has been compiled at the particular request of the Church of Christ, late under the pastoral care of the eminent servant of (Trod, whose reminiscenses are herein presented to the Public. To perpetuate the memory of one deservedly esteemed. and deeply lamented among a large circle of acquaintance; is an object at once gratifying to the feelings of surviving friends, and coincident with the inspired testimony of Holy Writ, which declares the memory of the just to be blessed. But the chief end sought by the publication of the accompanying Memoirs, is to promote the edification and comfort of the bereaved flock, and numerous friends of the deceased pastor, who "being dead yet speaketh" in the elevating and consolatory strains of heavenly truth, wherewith, during a long and successful ministerial course, he diligently and devotedly laboured to build up the church of God in its most holy faith. The retired habits and sedentary pursuits of the late Mr. Stevens, afford indeed but little, either of incident or of enterprize, to interest and engage the readers of biography in general; it is nevertheless hoped that the few authentic particulars, which were available for the purpose which has been sought by the compilation of this volume, will, to numerous readers, prove sufficiently interesting to render the publication a suitable medium and companion of hallowed recollections." (Book ref. 120195)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
Bullock, Rev. Charles Home Words for Heart and Hearth 1898 St Peter's Derby, Parish Magazine
London: Home Words Publishing Office, 1898. Hard Cover. Very Good. 4to Blue cloth with gilt lettering on upper cover and spine. Some foxing. Bumped. Contents. Frontispiece. 284 pages clean and tight. + 12 Parish Magazines bound in, Jan 1898 to Dec 1898. (Book ref. 120048)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of the United Church of England and Ireland; Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David
Oxford, 1844. Full Leather. Good. 8vo Oxford University Press, Sold y E. Gardner and Son and G. B. Whittaker, 1844. Rubbed edges, gilt embossed title, 5 raised bands. Gilt to all page edges. Foxing spots to end papers. Main pages clean and tight. (Book ref. 119897)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom
KINGSLEY, Charles Good News of God, The
London: Macmillan & Co, 1866. First Edition. Hard Cover. Good/No DJ. 12mo Cloth cover. Large tears to both sides of spine, some loss at top. Gilt titling. Book plate on f paste down. Cloth exposed between front end papers. iv, 283 pages clean and tight (Book ref. 119517)
Offered for sale by
Charles Bossom