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Clover, R.D. Dim Corridors
Wymondham, Norfolk, UK: Geo R Reeve The Model Press, 1948. Illustrated by Leslie Moore. First Edition. Hard Cover. Very Good/No DJ. 8vo Wear to edges of covers, a little loss to top of spine, clear black titling. A very few spots. Fold out map of Dunwich, text illustrations. 89 pages clean and tight. The articles in this book are built up on a framework of history but they are, first of all, impressions. Towns, villages, inhabited and uninhabited places impress us differently ; each has its own "atmosphere." It has been my attempt when exploring the places contained in this book to grasp something of this intangible thing "atmosphere" and put it down on paper. I do not know, of course, if I have been successful in any degree. The artist can compare his work with the scene before him : the writer cannot check his impressions of a place with others. Thetford and Dunwich are ancient places with histories reaching far into the past. Thetford I liked : Dunwich oppressed me oddly. Walking down St. James' Street, the last street of old Dunwich, I was not so much aware of this surviving fragment, as aware of the Dunwich that was, and is no more ; the Dunwich, the great thriving town and seaport of seven hundred years ago, seemingly then so solid and permanent a thing, and which is yet today like nothing so much as a half forgotten dream, illusory and fragmentary. The histories contained in this book area of course, contained in other and earlier records and can be found by any diligent seeker. Where possible I have given sources of information. (Book ref. 122185)   £5.00
Offered for sale by Charles Bossom   Order / enquire about this book
Edwards A C A History Of Essex
Lond: Phillimore & Co Ltd, 1978. Illustrated by Carolyn Lockwood. Fourth Edition. Hard Cover. Very Good/Very Good. Sm 4to Dust jacket complete but price clipped. Green cloth with bright gilt titling on spine. No ownership inscription. Colour frontis plate. Numerous illustrations & photographs. 128 pages clean and tight. A HISTORY OF ESSEX was first published in 1958 and met with such success that the original version ran into three editions. Twenty years later, the growth of interest in local history in the County has been so great, due in no small measure to the book itself, that a completely re-written, re-illustrated and much enlarged new edition seemed essential. To all intents and purposes this fourth edition is a completely new book, yet it has all the advantages of two decades of careful revision of content, balance and treatment. Though new, it is a thoroughbred with a proven pedigree. The book's popularity is due partly to its freshness of approach, drawing much of its material from original records or unhackneyed printed sources, and partly to its strong visual appeal. The illustrations have been carefully chosen, the maps have been re-researched and re-drawn and the marginal drawings, new in this edition, strongly enhance its pictorial impact. The author's prose is simple and controlled but never solemn or heavy; his enthusiasm for the County is evident, as is his sense of humour. Thematic in presentation, but contained within a chronological framework, the book gives a wide survey of Essex history from earliest times to the 20th century, with greater depth and detail allotted to topics of special interest, including the County's rich heritage of vernacular architecture and the potent influence of London on its development. The original edition is still regarded as the best general book on the history of Essex. There is no doubt but that this new, expanded volume will ensure that it remains the most popular and attractive book on Essex in print. It is also better value for money than at any time since the first edition appeared in 1958! (Book ref. 122171)   £5.00
Offered for sale by Charles Bossom   Order / enquire about this book
UK: Frith Book Company Ltd, 1999. Illustrated by Numerous Old Photographs. First Edition. Hard Cover. Very Good/Very Good. Sm 4to 1859370748 Dust jacket complete, unclipped. Illustrated boards. No ownership inscription. Clean and tight. (Book ref. 122148)   £5.00
Offered for sale by Charles Bossom   Order / enquire about this book
Fincham, Paul The Suffolk We Live In
UK: Barbara Hopkinson Books, 1983. Illustrated by Numerous Illustrations & Maps. Reprint. Large Format Paperback. Very Good/No DJ. Sm 4to 0950796328 95 pages clean and tight. The Suffolk We Live In provides a clear, concise, and beautifully - outline of the county's long life and varied fortunes. understand the special character of the place. Short histories of Suffolk appeared in 1895 and 1930. Surprisingly, this book is the first brief and authoritative account of Suffolk's history to appear since then. Early chapters explain the shaping, of the land, later ones deal with farming, other industries, communications, religion, natural history, and local government. Paul Fincham, a native of Suffolk, was a schoolteacher for twenty years. His books include the East Anglian volume in Messrs Faber's `Discovering Britain' series. Suffolk is loved by her own people and by increasing numbers of visitors. (Book ref. 122053)   £4.00
Offered for sale by Charles Bossom   Order / enquire about this book
Jarvis, Stan Victorian and Edwardian Essex from Old Photographs
London: B. T. Batsford, 1973. Illustrated by 152 Old Photographs. First Edition. Hard Cover. Very Good/Good. Sm 4to 0713401273 Dust jacket complete, price clipped. Grey cloth with bright gilt titling on spine. No ownership inscription. The earliest photographs in this book date from the 1860s. The latest belong to the period immediately before the First World War. In the intervening half century Essex still appears as a rural county, so remote in spirit from London that many of the poorer people had never visited the metropolis. The 152 photographs themselves are the best in quality and representativeness from the many thousands which the editor, Stan Jarvis, has examined. They come from the County Archivgs, from the collections in local libraries, and from a wide variety of private albums. The photographers whose work is illustrated are nearly all anonymous. An exception is Frederick Spalding, a Chelmsford commercial photographer who during a long life (1858-1947) built up a series of 'views' covering the whole county. (Sometimes these views were not wholly artless. If a sky was unduly featureless a flight of birds might be added to it on the negative; even in one instance a primitive aeroplane adds liveliness to the sky of an otherwise unremarkable wedding group.) The book's coverage ranges from the peasantry, as they might then still be called, to house-party groups which include Edward VII and his fascinating friend, the Countess of Warwick. An Essex where hay-carts could be seen in Stratford Broadway, where oxen still sometimes pulled farm carts, where village streets were generally empty of all vehicles, is the picture of the county which is reflected in these evocative pictures. Stan Jarvis, Deputy Librarian of Chelmsford, contributes an Introduction and Commentaries which add permanent value to a visually enchanting book. (Book ref. 122028)   £5.00
Offered for sale by Charles Bossom   Order / enquire about this book
Stedman, Karl Illustrator: Karl Stedman Stedman's Kendal
Kendal, UK: Kendal Studio Pottery, 1980. Illustrated by Numerous Full Page Drawings. First Edition. Hard Cover. Very Good/Very Good. Obl Sm 4to 0950731803 Dust jacket complete, slight wear to edges. Green cloth with bright gilt titling on spine. No ownership inscription. 40 black and white illustrations by Karl Stedman. From the Introduction Why 'Stedman's Kendal'? - simply because it is a very personal view of this complex town. I haven't necessarily selected buildings of particular architectural interest or buildings of known antiquity - I've chosen to draw buildings that appeal to me. They are not evenly distributed around the town and I am sure that I have omitted a multitude of interesting and attractive structures, but these are all buildings that have made me stop and look. It may have been some obvious architectural feature that has stopped me in my tracks, but more often than not it has been the sheer atmosphere, the light and shade, the rich texture of the stone and plaster work, or strangely enough the sparkle of Kendal. The town is a grey town, and looked at from the Castle How late on a Summer evening, with smoke settling on the rooftops you could be excused for calling it dull - but get down amongst the houses and, like diamonds they are many facetted. The stones, sharp-cut, reflect the light in fascinating ways. The more you look - the more you see. In settling down to transfer these walls to paper, I've more than once had the uncanny feeling that some mastercraftsman has arranged the stones, lichen, moss and fern in some involved and satisfying pattern. There is a peace about these buildings, a tranquility reaching through the years. It may have been the skill of the builders of the past or it may be that nature has a way in time of mellowing, crumbling, absorbing, insinuating herself in devious ways until she is satisfied with the unified whole - but without a doubt, in a large number of the many drawings I've done of Kendal the trees have a strange way of complimenting the buildings. Certainly husband and wife, after a lifetime together come to resemble each other. I wonder if, by the same token in some intangible way, tree, bush, building and town agree despite battle and bulldozer, to put on a pleasing face. Kendal is a gateway to the Lakes and as with gateways - you pass through - the many signs, lights and waving arms hurry you through. The road is straight and there is little encouragement to dawdle. The Auld Grey Town stands back - has no part in this hustle, hiding her treasures in ginnel and yard. Kendal is not precocious, you'll not be beguiled into pausing - but if you do, I'll guarantee you'll not regret it. (Book ref. 122027)   £14.00
Offered for sale by Charles Bossom   Order / enquire about this book
London: Heinemann, 1990. Illustrated by Numerous Colour Photographs. First Edition. Hard Cover. Very Good/Very Good. Sm 4to 0434780847 Dust jacket complete, unclipped. Green cloth with bright gilt titling on spine. No ownership inscription. 255 pages clean and tight. When John Timpson moved to Norfolk as a young journalist in the 1950s, he started a love affair with the county that has lasted for almost forty years. Now retired from the BBC, he lives in a 300-year-old cottage among rolling fields and winding lanes right at the heart of High Norfolk. He has explored every obscure corner of East Anglia uncovering quirks and oddities of architecture and landscape wherever he went. Timpson's Travels in East Anglia is a lighthearted but informative survey of Norfolk and Suffolk and an affectionate tribute to a favourite area. (Book ref. 121963)   £5.00
Offered for sale by Charles Bossom   Order / enquire about this book
CLAYTON, Howard Cathedral City: A Look at Victorian Lichfield
Lichfield: Private Printing for Author, 1977. Illustrated by Plates, Photographs, Illustrations. First Edition. Hard Cover. Very Good/Very Good. 8vo Signed by the Author Inscribed by the Author. Dust jacket in clear protective sleeve, chipped & slight loss to edges, price clipped. Maroon cloth with gilt titling on spine. Slight lean. 171 pages clean and tight. The Jacket design, by John Clayton, son of the author, shows Lichfield Market Place in 1860. It is taken from a woodcut published in that year in a guide book of the London and North Western Railway. The illustration is of some interest historically, for it shows St Mary's Church in a state of transition, with Street's new Gothic tower and steeple, erected in 1854, but with the old classical building still" in existence. This was not rebuilt to match the steeple until 1870. (Book ref. 121942)   £8.00
Offered for sale by Charles Bossom   Order / enquire about this book
Mosse, H. R. The Monumental Effigies of Sussex ( 1250 to 1650)
Hove, Sussex, UK: Combridges, 1933. Illustrated by Frontis Plate, Illustrations Plates. Revised & Enlarged Edition. Hard Cover. Very Good/No DJ. 4.5" By 7" Tall Green cloth with gilt titling on spine. xx, 241 pages. Frontispiece plate, 8 b/w illustrative plates and 4 figures. Clean and tight. (Book ref. 121927)   £10.00
Offered for sale by Charles Bossom   Order / enquire about this book
Black Black's Picturesque Tourist of Scotland
Lon: A & C Black, 1888. Illustrated by Illustrated, Maps, Fold Out Maps, Diagrams. Twenty-Seventh Edition. Hard Cover. Good/No DJ. 4.5" By 6.75" Tall Green cloth gilt titling and decorative device to spine and upper cover, slightly rubbed to edges. Illustrated, maps, including foldout maps, diagrams. Map missing from rear wallet. xx + 558 pp. + 120 pages of contemporary adverts. + frontispiece + 60 maps and plans (13 of them folded and 14 double page). Numerous text illustrations from drawings. Endpaper maps. Clean and tight. (Book ref. 121924)   £10.00
Offered for sale by Charles Bossom   Order / enquire about this book
Dring, W.E. The Fen and the Furrow. Books on South Cambridgeshire and the Fenlands
Cambridge, UK: Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely County Library, 1974. Illustrated Card Cover. Very Good. 8vo A bibliography of books on South Cambridgeshire and Fenland. 81 pages clean and tight. (Book ref. 121917)   £4.45
Offered for sale by Charles Bossom   Order / enquire about this book
John Moore (SIGNED BY AUTHOR) Brensham Village
London: Collins & Book Society, 1946. Illustrated by Frontispiece By Clifford & Rosemary Ellis. First Thus. Hard Cover. Good/Good. 5.5" By 8" Tall Inscribed By Author Original brown cloth with bright gilt title on spine. Wrapper is in sleeve protector and looks good, piece missing from tail of spine. Corner cut top corner of ffep. Signed by author on half title with no dedication. 223 pages clean and tight. 'Elmbury is the pseudonym of a small market town, abbey-glorious, river-misted, in England's Middle West. Here is its chronicle of forty years during which time the author was babe and boy there, sportsman and salesman, writer in absence and fond lover returning, with Elmbury ever in mind. The book is far more the biography of a town than of a man ; here is its tale, honestly told. The truth is told and beauty keeps breaking in.' The Observer. ' Mr. John Moore has drawn on his imagination an used it as a model for any small market town in the West Midlands. At the end the reader knows the place almost as intimately as, the author, who was born within the shadow of the Norman abbey. Mr. Moore has written a very good book. It has vivid characterisation, country lore, humour, and fine commonsense. It is true to the real heart of England.' The Daily Telegraph. 'Mr. Moore, it will be seen, writes of his Elmbury from the inside. He was born and bred there, he has worked as well as played there, he has known and loved it like a poet. One closes this warm and sensitive book with the feeling that one had lived for a while in Elmbury.' John o' London's Weekly. John Moore's Portrait of Ehnbjay is the biography of a country town. Sometimes it is the market town itself that holds our attention, sometimes some sturdy farmer friend, sometimes a townsman, sometimes himself. Always the narrative is direct and the spirit of the place alive. It is an entertaining book, rich and varied, with keen observation of human nature.' The Field (Book ref. 121891)   £10.00
Offered for sale by Charles Bossom   Order / enquire about this book
A Hand-book to the Cathedral Church With Some Account of the Monastic Buildings, &c., At Ely
Ely: T A Hills and Son, 1864. Illustrated by Engravings and Ground Plans. Sixth Edition. Hard Cover. Good/No DJ. 12 Mo Original blue blind stamped cloth, rubbed to edges of spine. Gilt title on upper cover. Previous owner's book plate on f. paste down. Tissue guarded engraved frontis.Decorated title page. ix, 104, pages plus 6 tissue guarded engraved plates (including frontis), illustrations from wood in text and a folding plan of the windows, ( plan minor creasing & tiny tear in margin ) at the back. Very good clean and tight condition. The publisher Thomas Addison Hills was born in Ely in 1806. From his Printing Office in Minster Place he produced handbills and circulars, receipts and billheads and, with a view to the tourist trade, guidebooks and views. His most famous publication was "A Handbook to the Cathedral Church" which he first produced in 1852 and which remained in print for many years. It was illustrated by some of the views tht he also issued separately. Thomas died in 1903 after a life devoted to his business. (Book ref. 121874)   £30.00
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George, Wilfred Waling East. Some Thoughts & Advice on Using the Footpaths of East Anglia
. Privately Printed. Card Cover. Very Good. 8vo 16 page stapled booklet. Clean and tight. (Book ref. 121833)   £4.00
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G. E. Mitton; Edited By Sir Walter Besant The Kensington District (The Fascination of London)
London: A & C Black, 1903. Illustrated by Frontis Plate, Fold Out Map. First Edition. Hard Cover. Good/No DJ. 4.25" By 6.5" Tall Green cloth with slightly faded gilt titling on spine. Gilt reproduced signature on upper cover. Inscription on ffep. Tissue guarded frontis plate, viii,104 pages, foldout map, clean and tight. (Book ref. 121820)   £18.00
Offered for sale by Charles Bossom   Order / enquire about this book
Ripman, Hujohn A. ( Editor ) Guy's Hospital 1725-1948
London: Guy's Hospital Gazette Committee, 1951. Illustrated by Photographs, Illustrations. First Edition. Hard Cover. Very Good/Good. Sm 4to Dust jacket rubbed and chipped to edges, chunks missing at top and tail of spine, unclipped. Green cloth with gilt titling on spine & illustration on upper cover. No ownership inscription. Here is a brief history of one of our great teaching hospitals, from the day in 1725 when, at the sole cost of Thomas Guy, it was founded for the care of incurables, until the day in 1948 when it passed to the control of the State at the inception of the National Health Service. The book is divided into five parts, of which the first deals with the development of the hospital itself-a story of great men, administrators and doctors, many of whose names have become bywords in the history of medicine. There follow accounts of the evolution of Medical and Dental Teaching and of Nursing at Guy's, and the book concludes with a detailed description of the hospital as it was in 1948. The volume is liberally illustrated and includes six colour plates. (Book ref. 121815)   £6.00
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Jones, Reginald Birds of the Norfolk Broads
UK: Jarrold, 1977. Illustrated by Colour Photographs. Illustrated Card Cover. Very Good. 8vo 0853066957 (Book ref. 121797)   £4.00
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Roger Shuttler Bury St. Edmunds. A Walk Around the Abbey Ruins and Old Town
UK: Roger Shuttler, 2000. Illustrated by Colour Illustrations & Map. First Edition. Illustrated Card Cover. Very Good. 10" By 8" Tall (Book ref. 121794)   £4.00
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Palmer, Terry; Wesley H Downes; Dennis Hawes. ( Edited By ) The Lower Stour. A Guide to Dedham Vale
UK: Stourdale Press Ltd, 1975. Illustrated by Colour & b/w Illustrations. First Edition. Illustrated Card Cover. Very Good. Colour & b/w photographs, drawings, maps. 64 pages clean and tight. (Book ref. 121793)   £4.00
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Nikolaus Pevsner The Buildings Of England Berkshire
London: Penguin Books, 1975. Illustrated by Maps, b/w Photographs. Reprint. Hard Cover. Very Good/Good. 12mo 0140710302 Dust jacket, badly rubbed to spine and edges, unclipped. Black cloth with bright gilt titling and decoration on spine. No ownership inscription. 357 pages plus addendum. clean and tight. (Book ref. 121767)   £8.00
Offered for sale by Charles Bossom   Order / enquire about this book