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ADAM (Alexander): Roman Antiquities: Or, an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans' Respecting the Government, Magistracy, Laws, Judicial Proceedings, Religion, Games, Military and Naval Affairs, Dress, Exercises, Baths, Marriages, Divorces, Funerals, Weights and Measures, Coins, Method of Writing, Houses, Gardens, Agriculture, Carriages, Public Buildings, &c. &c. Designed chiefly to Illustrate the Latin Classics, by explaining words and phrases, from the rites and customs to which they refer. The Second Edition, Considerably Enlarged.
Edinburgh: Printed for A. Strahan, and T. Cadell, London; and W. Creech, Edinburgh, 1792. Large 8vo, 218 x 132 mms., pp. xv [xvi Errata], 608 [sic, for 616], contemporary polished lightly speckled calf, spine ornately gilt in compartments, red morocco label; some very slight rubbing of spine and front joint, but a fine and attractive copy, with the contemporary autograph of Thomas Orde Powlett, first Baron Bolton (1746 - 1807), politician and artist. In 1778, he married Jean Mary Browne Powlett, the natural daughter of Charles Powlett, fifth Duke of Bolton; Bolton's estate and title passed to him in right of his wife when the sixth Duke died in 1794. He took the additional name of Powlett in 1795 Adam (1741 - 1809) made his early reputation as a schoolmaster, whose pupils included Walter Scott, Francis Jeffrey, and Henry Cockburn. The present work was first published in 1791 and was translated into several continental languages. (Book ref. 6998)   £500.00
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WEST (Moses): A Treatise Concerning Marriage: Wherein the Unlawfulness of Mixt Marriages is Laid open from the Scriptures. Recommended to the Youth of Both Sexes among the People called Quakers. The Fourth Edition. To which are added, The Excellent Advices on this Subject contained in the yearly-Meeting Epistle of 1777.
London: Printed and Sold by J. Phillips..., 1780. 12mo, 170 x 98 mms., pp. 46 [47 - 48 adverts], original wrappers, stitched as issued. With the following inscriptions: One the front cover: "No. 1066 [sic]/ This belongs/ to/ Richmond/ Monthly Meeting." On the top marginof the recto of the first blank leaf: "This book belongs/ to Richmond Mo. Meeting." On the verso of the title-page: "This Book belongs to Richmond monthly meeting/ came in 10th Mo. 4th. With/ 16 More of the same sort/ No. 9/ Entered 10me 1784." The Richmond Monthly Meeting seems to have been the fore-runner of what is now the Richmond Friends Meeting, first organized in 1795, in Richmond, Virginia. Moses West published this work in 1707, and there were at least 12 editions in the 18th century, and further editions in the 19th century. "Mixt Marriages" are, apparently, those between the "Seven Tribes," i. e., the Israelites of the Old Testament. West extends this argument to apply more generally to those of different religious faiths. Smith, J. Friends' Books, 2.874 (Book ref. 6979)   £350.00
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GROTIUS (Hugo): The Truth of the Christian Religion. In Six Books. Corrected and Illustrated with Notes, By Mr. Le Clerc. Translated by John Clarke, D. D. Dean of Sarum. The Eighth Edition.
Edinburgh: Printed by W. Darling.., 1779. 12mo (in 6s), 168 x 105 mms., pp. xii, 13 - 312, contemporary sheepskin, raised bands between gilt rules on spine, green morocco label; top and base of spine chipped, front joint a little worn, but a good copy. ESTC T42433 locates copies in BL, NLS, Bodleian; Union Theological College, George Washington University. (Book ref. 6977)   £150.00
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FORDYCE (James): Addresses to the Deity. The Second Edition.
London: Printed for T. Cadell..., 1786. Small 8vo, 156 x 92 mms., pp. xx [xxi Contents, xxii blank], 232, contemporary sheepskin, red morocco label; no half-title, but a very good to fine copy. Fordyce (1720–1796), though born and educated in Aberdeen, later became one of London's most fashionable preachers. James Lindsay in a sermon preached upon Fordyce's death noted that "His elocution, which he studied with care and practised with success; by the figure of his person which in the pulpit was particularly dignified and by the expression of his countenance which was animated at all times … His eye was particularly bright and penetrating, and he carefully attended to the effect that an orator may produce on an audience." The "addresses" in this instance have much the same tone and composition as courtesy books. The first edition was published in 1785, and this appears to be a second impression, with perhaps a cancel title-page. ESTC T8740 locates copies in BL, Leeds; and Biblioteka Publiczna. (Book ref. 6974)   £400.00
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WRIGHT (Samuel): Knowledge and Charity considered, separate and united. In a sermon Preach'd at Nottingham July 16, 1732.
London: Printed for R. Hett..., 1732. FIRST EDITION. 8vo (in 4s), 185 x 105 mms., pp. 28, disbound. ESTC T6414 locates copies in BL, Congregational Library, Nottinghamshire County Library, Oxford Harris Manchester, Oxford Trinity. No copies traced in North America. (Book ref. 6667)   £65.00
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[WOLLASTON (William)]: The Religion of Nature Delineated.
London: Printed by Samuel Palmer...And Sold by B. Lintot..., 1726. 4to, pp. 219 [220 blank, 221 - 231 Index, 232 blank], engraved vignette of printer on title-page, 5 engraved head- and tail-pieces, newly rebound in quarter calf, marbled boards, raised bands between gilt rules on spine, black morocco label; first three leaves water-stained. This is probably the fourth "edition" of this work, though the pagination and registration is the same as that of the 1725 printing. The work was first published in a "few copies" in 1722 and reprinted in 1724. Benjamin Franklin is generally agreed to have been compositor on the 1725 printing, but it is unlikely that he worked on this 1726 printing. (Book ref. 4736)   £150.00
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[WOLLASTON (William)]: The Religion of Nature Delineated.
London: Printed by Samuel Palmer...And Sold by B. Lintot..., 1726. 4to, pp. 219 [220 blank, 221 - 231 Index, 232 blank], engraved vignette of printer on title-page, 5 engraved head- and tail-pieces, contemporary speckled calf; front cover scored, top and base of front joint cracked. This is probably the fourth "edition" of this work, though the pagination and registration is the same as that of the 1725 printing. The work was first published in a "few copies" in 1722 and reprinted in 1724. Benjamin Franklin is generally agreed to have been compositor on the 1725 printing, but it is unlikely that he worked on this 1726 printing. (Book ref. 3655)   £150.00
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WOLLASTON (William): The Religion of Nature Delineated. The Fifth Edition.
London: Printed for James and John Knapton..., 1731. 4to, pp. 219 [220 blank, 221 - 224 Index], engraved portrait frontispiece, recently rebound in half calf, morocco label, marbled boards. A nice copy. (Book ref. 2708)   £150.00
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WOLLASTON (William): The Religion of Nature Delineated. The Fifth Edition.
London: Printed for James and John Knapton..., 1731. 4to, pp. 219 [220 blank, 221 - 224 Index, engraved portrait frontispiece], newly recased in boards. (Book ref. 1901)   £125.00
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[WOLLASTON (William)]: A Compendious View of the Religion of Nature Delineated: Being an Abridgment of Mr. Wollaston's Treatise Under that Title. To which is added, An Appendix Concerning the Christian Religion.
London: Printed for R. Williamson..., 1726. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, pp. [x], 154 [155 - 163 contents, 164 Errata and advert], title-page in red and black, contemporary calf; lacks label, joints cracked with some loss of leather, corners worn. Wollaston's Religion of Nature Delineated was first published - privately printed - in 1722, and the first public edition appeared in 1725. At least twenty editions were published in the 18th century. The "Advertisement" here indicates a similar coyness for this abridgement, which "was undertaken at first only for a private Use, and was therefore not originally intended to be published." Wollaston would seem obviously to be the author of the abridgement, but tries to misdirect the reader. The work is dedicated to Sir Richard Steele. A second edition of this work was published in 1737. ESTC distinguishes between two states: one, ESTCN44510, without the title-page in red and black (Ct, Ct, MY, Oj, ZCU) and another, ESTCT132308, with title-page in red and black (L, O, Oc; NbU). There is also a copy at UCLA. (Book ref. 4081)   £250.00
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WINTER (Cornelius). JAY (William): Memoirs of the Life and Character of the late Reverend Cornelius Winter, compiled and composed by William Jay.
Bath: Printed and Sold by M. Gye..., 1808. FIRST EDITION. Large 8vo, pp. xxi [xxii blank, xxiii engraved dedication, xxiv blank], 478 [479 adverts, 480 blank], including half-title and errata leaf, uncut, contemporary boards, paper label on spine; corners and edges a bit worn, but a very good copy, with the (probably contemporary) notation "Oakridge Wesleyan Sunday School Library" on the recto of the front free end-paper. Winter (1741 or 1742 - 1808) served both as Congregationalist minister and factotum to John Wesley and George Whitefield. Having been inspired by Wesley's preaching, he followed Wesley to Savannah, Georgia, where they hoped to convert the Indians and the black slaves. The present work is not so much a biography as a compendium of Winter's letters, with commentary and supplementary information from Jay, (1769-1853), the Congregational minister, who was the pastor of Argyle Chapel at Bath, and remained there for sixty-two years. (Book ref. 4882)   £200.00
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WINDER (Henry) A Critical and Chronological History of the Rise, Progress, Declension, and Revival of Knowledge, Chiefly Religious: In Two Periods. I. The Period of Tradition from Adam to Moses. II. The Period of Letters from Moses to Christ. To which are prefixed Memoirs of Dr. Winder's Life, by George Benson, D. D.
London: Printed for J. Waugh and W. Fenner..., 1756. 4to, pp. [vi], iii - xvi [xvii - xx Contents], 240; [ii], iii - xii [xiii - xvi Contents], 339 [340 Errata], 2 folding charts in volume 2 AND BENSON (George); The History of the First Planting of the Christian Religion: Taken from the Acts of the Apostles, and their Epistles, &c. Being the Appendix; or Volume the Third. London: Printed and Sold by J. Waugh and W. Fenner, 1756. 4to, pp. [ii], iii - viii, 108 [109 - 110 Errata, 111 - 112 adverts for works by Benson]. 3 volumes in 1, bound in later diced 18th century lightly diced russia (possibly bound in 1772, as a note with that date provides the cost: 2s. 11d.), spine ornately gilt in compartments, green morocco label; binding a bit scratched, front joint slightly cracked, with piece about 25 mms. square missing from top of front cover near spine, rear joint just starting to crack, top and base of spine rubbed. Winder (1693 - 1752), dissenting minister from Cumberland and latterly Liverpool, first published this in 1745 - 1746 (with a subscription list that included Francis Hutcheson), but it did not sell. After his death, the sheets were reissued with new title-pages and the life of Winder by Benson. Benson's The History of the First Planting of the Christian Religion was first published in 1735 and in three volumes, 1755 - 1756. It is not clear why this third volume of Benson's work has been bound with Winder's; but the same publishers were accountable for both works. (Book ref. 5843)   £150.00
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WILSON (Thomas): The Knowlege [sic] and Practice of Christianity Made Easy To the Meanest Capacities: Or, An Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians; Which will likewise be of Use To all such who are called Christians, but have not well considered the Meaning of the Religion they profess: Or, who profess to know God, but in Works do deny Him. In Twenty Dialogues. Together with Directions and Prayers for The Heathen World, Missionaries, Catechumens, Private Persons, Families, Of Parents for their Children, For Sundays, &c. The Eighth Edition.
London, Printed; And Sold by B. Dod..., 1754. 12mo (in 6s), pp. [viii], iv, xvi, 300, contemporary calf; base of spine chipped. Thomas Wilson (1663 - 1755), Bishop of Sodor and Man is probably best known for publishing the first devotional book in the Manx language, in 1707. The above work first took the form of an Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians and was published in 1740. No data appear to be available to confirm its success with American Indians. (Book ref. 3629)   £150.00
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WILLIAMS (Joseph): Extracts from the Diary, Meditations, and Letters, of Mr. Joseph Williams Of Kidderminster. Who died December 21. 1755, Aged 63. A New Edition. To which are now added A Number of Original Letters to the late Rev Mr. R-----ll.
Edinburgh: Printed by J. Ritchie, for J. Ogle..., 1797. 12mo (in 6s), pp. xii, 352, contemporary sheepskins, morocco label (chipped); no rear end-papers, binding knocked about, front joint holding on for dear life, rear joint cracked, top and base of spine chipped. Joseph Williams (1692 - 1755) was with Benjamin Fawcett (1715 - 1780), who edited this volume, one of a group of Presbyterian ministers sympathetic to the views of Philip Doddridge and George Whitefield. The letters mentioned in the title were addressed to T. Randall. The work was first published in Shrewsbury in 1779, with a second edition in 1783. ESTC T92659 locates 3 copies: L, BMu; PPiPT. (Book ref. 5220)   £75.00
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WILKINS (John): Of the Principles and Duties of Natural Religion: Two Books. To which is added, A Sermon Preached at his Funerals, by William Lloyd.
London, Printed by A. Maxwell, for T. Bassett..., 1675. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, pp. [xviii], 410, [4], 55 [56 blank], engraved portrait as frontispiece, contemporary calf, spine richly gilt in compartments, red morocco label; short tear in lower margin of title-page, spine a little dried, upper rear joint cracked, but a good copy, with the contemporary autograph of Mary Farrington on the upper margin of the title-page, and the small rectangular armorial bookplate of Thomas Townshend, Viscount Sydney (1733 - 1800) on the front paste-down end-paper. John Wilkins (1714 - 1672) articulated in this book many arguments about the existence of God that were to become familiar in the 18th century, among them that found in the "admirable Contrivance of Natural things." Mentioning the discoveries made by the development of the microscope, he adds an aesthetic dimension to the argument from design: "Whatever is Natural doth by that appear, adorned with all imaginable Elegance and Beauty." The book was reprinted numerous times in the remainder of the 17th century and in the 18th century; the Preface is by John Tillotson. (Book ref. 4543)   £400.00
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WILKINS (John): Of the Principles and Duties of Natural Religion: Two Books. To which is added, A Sermon Preached at his Funerals, by William Lloyd. The Seventh Edition.
London, Printed for R. Bonwicke...[et al]..., 1715. 8vo, pp. [xiv], 356, [2]. 33 [34 adverts], engraved portrait as frontispiece, contemporary panelled calf, morocco label; tops and bases of joints cracked, other minor wear and rubbing of binding. John Wilkins (1714 - 1672) articulated in this book many arguments about the existence of God that were to become familiar in the 18th century, among them that found in the "admirable Contrivance of Natural things." Mentioning the discoveries made by the development of the microscope, he adds an aesthetic dimension to the argument from design: "Whatever is Natural doth by that appear, adorned with all imaginable Elegance and Beauty." The book was reprinted numerous times in the remainder of the 17th century and in the 18th century; the Preface is by John Tillotson. (Book ref. 2919)   £200.00
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WILBERFORCE (William): A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, in the Higher and Middle Classes, contrasted with Real Christianity. Third American Edition.
Boston: Printed for Joseph Bumstead..., 1802. 12mo (in 6s), pp. 312, contemporary sheepskin, gilt spine, red morocco label; end-papers water-stained, text browned. (Book ref. 6520)   £100.00
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WILBERFORCE (William): A Practical View of the prevailing religious system of Professed Christians, in the higher and middle classes in this country, contrasted with Real Christianity. The Seventeenth Edition.
London: Printed for T. Cadell..., 1829. 8vo, pp. xvi, 391 [392 blank], recently recased in boards, paper label on spine. A very good copy. (Book ref. 2928)   £75.00
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WHITE (John): Three Letters To a Gentleman Dissenting from the Church of England.
London, Printed for C. Davis...and W. Craighton..., 1748. FIRST COLLECTED EDITION. 8vo, pp. lx [misprint for xl] 277 [278 Errata, 279 - 280 adverts], recently rebound in quarter calf, green morocco label, marbled boards. A very good copy. With the near-contemporary autograph "H. Arnold" on the recto of the top margin of the leaf preceding the title-page and a calligraphic representation of his name further down below the figure of a lion rampant. The 19th century autograph of Charles John Muir also appears on this leaf. White (c. 1685 - 1755) published A Letter to a Gentleman dissenting from the Church of England in 1743, and two further letters followed in 1745. The letters provoked masterly replies from Michaijah Towgood (1700 - 1792), a Presbyterian minister and religious controversialist, with, first, The Dissenting Gentleman's Answer (1746), and two further "letters" in 1747 and 1748. White had charged the "gentleman" of his title, whom he had met personally at a mutual friend's house, with bringing about schism in the Church. The "gentleman" was presumably Towgood, though he is not mentioned by name while Isaac Watts, Samuel Chandler, and Samuel Wesley are. ESTC distinguishes three issues; this is ESTC T25458, with continuous pagination and collation. (Book ref. 5724)   £150.00
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WHITE (John): A Letter to Mr. Samuel Chandler; Being A Vindication of some Passages in the Three Letters to a Gentleman dissenting from the Church of England, and the Appendix to the Third of those Letters concerning Subscription. Against His Reflections in his late Book, entitled, The Case of Subscription to Explanatory Articles of Faith, as a Qualification for Admission to the Christian Ministry. With Some Considerations upon the Speech (therein published) of John Alphonso Turretine, previous to the Abolition of all Subscriptions at Geneva.
London: Printed for C. Davis..., 1749. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, pp. 73 [74 adverts], disbound, stab-holes in inner margins. (Book ref. 3226)   £75.00
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