Your search returned 17 results.
WATSON (Richard): An Apology for the Bible, in A Series of Letters, addressed to Thomas Paine, Author of a Book entitled, The age of Reason, Part the Second, being an Investigation of True and of Fabulous Theology.
London: Printed for T. Evans...Cadell and Davies..., 1796. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, pp. [iv], 385 [386 blank, 387 - 388 adverts], uncut, contemporary boards, slightly later cloth spine; front hinge cracked, edges and boards soiled, cloth frayed. (Book ref. 1205)
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John Price Antiquarian Books
SHAW (Ferdinando): A Summary of the Bible: Or, the Principal Heads of Natural, and Revealed Religion; Alphabetically disposed in the Words of Scripture only. With Marginal Readings and Parallel Texts. Adapted to the Uses of a Scripture-Dictionary, Common-Place Book, Concordance and Comment.
London: Printed for Thomas Cox, at the Lamb under the Royal Exchange; Richard Ford, at the Angel in the Poultry; Richard Hett, at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry near Cheapside: and sold by Jer. Roe, of Derby, 1730. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION. 12mo, pp. xv [xvi advert], 391 [392 advert], contemporary sheepskin; front joint and front cover repaired, spine creased, top and base of spine chipped, text browned and with a few stains. With these inscriptions on the recto of the front free end-paper: "Henry Deforest/ November the 15th 1801" and "Margarett Paschall/ April 1802," Shaw (bap. 1674, d. 1745), a dissenting (Presbyterian) minister was involved in controversy in Derby, where he was minister for many years, over the refusal of Church of England ministers to bury those baptized by dissenting ministers. In this work, he expresses the "hope I have quit myself of Controversies, for the remainder of my Life." Alston: III, 707. ESTC locates copies in BL, Cambridge, Congregational Library, Dr. Williams's Library, NLS, Bodleian, and Hull. There are also copies in Glasgow and Dundee; OCLC adds Brigham Young University. (Book ref. 6239)
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[SERLE (Ambrose)]: Horae Solitariae; Or Essays upon some remarkable Names and Titles of Jesus Christ, Occurring in The Old Testament and declarative of his essential Divinity and gracious Office in the Redemption of Man: To which is annexed, An Essay, Chiefly Historical, upon the Doctrine of the Trinity. The Second Edition, Enlarged. [AND] Horae Solitariae.... To which is Annexed A brief Account of the Heresies, Relative to the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, Which have been published since the Christian AEra.
London: Printed for James Mathews...and J. Buckland [volume 1]...; London Printed and Sold by C. Dilly...; J. Mathews...; J. Buckland..., 1787; 1784. FIRST EDITION of volume 2. 8vo, 201 x 126, pp. xii, 564; [iv], 551 [552 blank], attractively bound in light tan speckled calf, gilt rules across spine, red morocco titling labes, green circular numbering labels. A very fine set, with the the autograph "[Wm Greive"]/ Ord House on the front paste-down end-paper of each volume Serle (1742–1812) was an official in the British colonial service just before the American Revolution, which he opposed on religious grounds, e. g., "Presbyterianism is really at the Bottom of the whole Conspiracy." In this rather expansive work, Serle is concerned to find adumbrations of Christ in the Old Testament and to defend the necessity of the doctrine of the Trinity as an essential truth for the validation of Christianity. The work has been reprinted numerous times and is popular with evangelical Christians. The first volume of this work was published in 1776 (ESTC T185674: Cambridge, Dr. Williams, Lancaster, National Library of Wales, Bodleian, Founders Wales Lampeter); the second volume (as above) in 1784 (ESTC T204551: Birmingham, Lancaster, Oxford St. Edmund, St. Deniol's, Founder's Wales, Lampeter; Stanford). (Book ref. 6959)
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John Price Antiquarian Books
[REYNOLDS (John)]: The Religion of Jesus Delineated.
London: Printed for J. Clark and R. Hett..., 1726. FIRST EDITION. 4to, pp. xxxii, 158; title-page mounted, ink-stain on fore-margin of last 30 leaves. BOUND WITH: [WOLLASTON (William): The Religion of Nature Delineated. The Fifth Edition. London: Printed for James and John Knapton..., 1731. 4to, pp. [3] - 219 [220 blank, 221 - 231 Index, 232 blank]. 2 volumes in 1, with Wollaston's work preceding Reynolds', bound in contemporary calf, recently rebacked, morocco label; no frontispiece, covers a little scratched and leather loss replaced. Wollaston's work was first published privately in 1722, and the first public edition was in 1724, the year of his death. It attracted a number of responses and comments, including that by Reynolds. In his Preface, Reynolds regrets that Wollaston had not delineated revealed religion as well. (Book ref. 4112)
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ORPHEUS. TAYLOR (Thomas), translator: The Mystical Initiations; Or, Hymns of Orpheus Translated from the Original Greek: With a Preliminary Dissertation on the Life and Theology of Orpheus; by Thomas Taylor.
London, Printed for the Author, And sold by T. Payne..., L Davis..., B. White and Son..., and G. Nichol..., 1787. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, 192 x 124 mms., pp. xii, 227 [228 blank], contemporary sheepskin, rebacked with old spine laid down, corners restored, with the 20th century bookplate of James Fraser Gluck on the front paste-down end-paper. Taylor (1758 - 1835) spent six years working as a bank clerk before acquiring patrons to subsidize his studies in ancient philosophy. These studies led to his early translations, of Plotinus and Orpheus, both published in the same year. His major translation was the works of Plato, published in five volumes in 1804. (Book ref. 6382)
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MOIR (John): One Thing Needful; Or Devout and Philosophical Exercises on Various Subject of Superlative Importance in Theology and Morals.
London: Printed and Sold for the Author...Walworth, [?1795]. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, pp. [vi], 313 [314 advert], including half-title, contemporary calf, gilt spine; joints cracked, top and base of spine chipped, corners worn, lacks label. Moir's topic is slightly misleading, as there seem to be several things needful, and there is a lot more devotion than philosophy in his exercises. However, he does have a few interesting comments to make on the subjects of natural religion and the argument from design. ESTC on-line locates five copies in UK libraries (L, C, E, Lsw, LAM) and three in the United States (KU-S, LU, OO). (Book ref. 2582)
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MILN (Robert): A Course of Physico-Theological Lectures upon the State of the World, from the Creation to the Deluge.
Carlisle: Printed by J. Milliken: And sold by R. Faulder..., 1786. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, pp. xxiv [xxv additional subscribers, xxvi blank], 383 [384 blank], uncut, recently recased in boards, paper label on spine; edges soiled and a bit worn. Robert Miln flourished c. 1785 - 1795 and wrote several other short works, but the dates of his birth and death are unknown. He was apparently a resident of Carlisle, as the preface is dated 10 January 1786 from Carlisle. The subscribers' names appear on pp. ix - xxiv and amount to more than 1200 names, including the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, both of whom subscribed for two copies. In the preface, Miln notes that "power and prescription have hitherto been the great support of error" and that he has "implicitly followed the light of my own mind." He acknowledges a debt to a "Mr. Whitehurst" (possibly John Whitehurst, 1713-1788, the horologer) and Jean Andre Deluc (1727 - 1817), Lettres Physiques et Morales. Part of his argument is about the age of the world, which Miln claims is not, as supposed, many thousands of years, but of "no greater antiquity than what appears from the Mosaic account of it." Despite the large printing, ESTC on-line locates only seven copies of the work: L, Dm, E, and LVu in Britain; and CLU-C, NNUT, PPL in the United States. There is also a copy at NjP, and the work is probably more common than the ESTC listings suggest. (Book ref. 1679)
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John Price Antiquarian Books
LLOYD (Richard): Christian Theology; Or an Inquiry into the Nature and General Character of Revelation. Second Edition.
London: Printed for J. Hatchard..., 1804. 8vo, pp. xxx, 382 [383 Errata, 384 blank], including half-title, contemporary half calf, marbled boards; lacks label, library stamp on verso of tile-page. Inscribed by the author, "Thos. Woodd [sic]/ the gift of the Author/ Jany. 31st 1807," and with the armorial bookplate of Charles Henry Lardner Woodd on the front paste-down end-paper. (Book ref. 3367)
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HUTCHINSON (John): An Abstract from the Works of John Hutchinson, Esquire. Being a Summary of his Discoveries in Philosophy and Divinity.
Edinburgh, Printed by R. Fleming: And sold by A. Kincaid and A. Donaldson..., 1753. FIRST EDITION. 12mo (in 6s), 165 x 102 mms., pp. [iv], 450, 2 engraved plates, contemporary annotations and marks in text, amateurishly "bound" in sheepskin boards that are slightly larger than the text block, crude backstrip. Hutchinson (1674 - 1737) was cured of lead poisoning by Dr. John Woodward and later pursued a career as a natural philosopher. Most of his scientific inquiries, however, were heavily tinged with religion, and he seems almost to think that the Old Testament contains clues and information about natural science. His works were popular with the sort of reader who found John Wesley's views on electricity and other scientific phenomena convincing. This abstract of several of his works is attributed to Robert Spearman and/or George Horne, Bishop of Norwich. ESTC T99488 locates 10 copies in British libraries, and Essex Institute, Johns Hopkins, Clark, and Toronto in North America. (Book ref. 6502)
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John Price Antiquarian Books
HUNTINGTON (William): The Servant of the Lord Described and Vindicated, In a Sermon, Delivery at Providence Chapel, Feb. 17, 1788.
London: Sold by G. Terry...[et al], 1788. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, pp. 104, disbound, several pencil annotations; small stain to lower margin of first five leaves. With the inscription "John Bourne 1788" in the top margin of the title-page. Huntington (1745 - 1813), the preacher and religious writer, was the natural son of a Kent farmer, Barnabas Russel, though he was baptized with the name of his putative father, Hunt. Following the example of his biological father, he also fathered a child out of wedlock but was prevented from marrying her. He expanded his name to Huntington, took up preaching, and later supported himself and his family when he moved to London. (Book ref. 5360)
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HUNTINGTON (William): An Innocent Game for Babes in Grace; Or, Diversion for Infants at the Hole of the Asp.
London: Printed by J. Rozea...; To be sold at Providence Chapel..., 1785. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, pp. 51 [52 blank], disbound; title-page stained, and some intermittent stains in text. Huntington (1745 - 1813), the preacher and religious writer, was the natural son of a Kent farmer, Barnabas Russel, though he was baptized with the name of his putative father, Hunt. Following the example of his biological father, he also fathered a child out of wedlock but was prevented from marrying her. He expanded his name to Huntington, took up preaching, and later supported himself and his family when he moved to London. His text here is Isaiah XI, 8, though Luke X, 19, is quoted on the title-page; the techniques that of explications de texte. ESTCT16201 locates copies in L, C, LVu. A second edition was published in 1787 (ESTCT73865: L, BMp, Ldw, Owo; NNcD); and a third edition in 1799 (ESTCT73866: L (2); DeGE, NMH-AH). (Book ref. 5359)
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DERHAM (William): Physico-Theology: Or, A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from his Works of Creation. Being the Substance of Sixteen Sermons Preached in St. Mary-le-Bow-Church, London...With large Notes, and many Curious Observations. The Third Edition, Corrected.
London: Printed for W. Innys..., 1714 8vo, pp. [xvi], 16, 447 [448 blank, 449 - 459 Index, 460 blank], one folding engraved plate at end of text, bound in late 18th century mottled calf, spine richly gilt, red morocco label. An attractive copy, from the Easton Neston Library, with library label for shelf mark and the armorial bookplate of Sir Thomas Hesketh, Bart., Rufford Hall Lancashire on the front paste-down end-paper, and the contemporary autograph "Stephen Middleton" on the title-page. Derham (1657-1735) published this in 1713, and it was frequently reprinted in the 18th century. This was the edition in which he announced that he would shortly publish a work on the heavens and theology, which became, of course, Astro-Theology (1715). (Book ref. 5426)
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John Price Antiquarian Books
DERHAM (William): Physico-Theology: Or, A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from his Works of Creation. Being the Substance of Sixteen Sermons Preached in St. Mary-le-Bow-Church, London...With large Notes, and many curious Observations. The Seventh Edition.
London: Printed for W. and J. Innys..., 1727. 8vo, pp. [xvi], xvi, 444 [445 - 454 index, 455 - 456 adverts], one engraved plate, contemporary calf, red morocco label; marginal worming in last few leaves, joints cracked (but firm), top and base of spine chipped. An exact reprint of the sixth edition of 1723. (Book ref. 3403)
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John Price Antiquarian Books
DERHAM (William): Astro-Theology: Or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, From a Survey of the Heavens. Illustrated with Copper-Plates.
London: Printed for W. Innys..., 1715. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, pp. lviiii [lix - lxiv], 228, 3 folding engraved plates at end, contemporary calf, rebacked in lighter calf, red morocco label. Derham first set out his version of the argument from design in his Physico-Theology of 1713, in which he examined in minute detail the contrivances of nature. He carried out his own scientific or semi-scientific examinations of nature and concluded that nothing but a supreme creator could be responsible for functionality of and in life. Astro-Theology continues and develops the views put forward in the earlier book. Both books were very popular and frequently reprinted in the 18th century. In 1729, Derham published Christo-Theology, but this work did not enjoy the popularity of the first two. (Book ref. 2238)
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CALVIN (John): The Sermons of M. John Calvin, upon the Epistle of S. Paule too the Ephesians. Translated out of French into English by Arthur Golding.
Imprinted [By Thomas Dawson] at London for Lucas Harison, and George Byshop. 1577. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, 188 x 137 mms., unpaginated, collating *8 [par.]8 A-Y8 2A-2X8 2Y4(+/-2Y4), i. e., [16] + 347 leaves (lacking final blank leaf) including engraved title-page, preliminary text in Roman type, sermons in black letter, newly rebound in antique-style panelled calf, black leather label, new end-papers; title-page slightly stained and mounted, with ms. notes in pencil on verso, some water-staining on seven preliminary leaves ("Epistle Dedicatorie" and "To the Reader") and carrying through to leaf A3, margins of 7 of last 9 leaves repaired, but generally speaking a clean text. Calvin (1509 - 1564) published his Institutes of the Christian Religion in 1536, and it was this work which established his reputation. The first English edition of any of his sermons was published in London in 1560 STC (2nd ed.), 4448. (Book ref. 6769)
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BUTTERWORTH (Lawrence): The Super-excellency of the Christian Religion displayed: or, a Treatise on Natural and Revealed Religion. Intend To explain the Nature of Both, and shew their essential Differences. To which is added, An Answer to the Rev. Mr. Lindsey's popular Argument against the Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ
London: Printed for the Author: And Sold by G. Keith; G. Robinson; and T. Luckman, in Coventry, 1781. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION. 12mo (in 6s), pp. xii, 150 [151 author's note, 152], contemporary tree calf, gilt spine; lacks label, front joint slightly cracked (but firm). A very good copy. Butterworth's sentiments on free speech are impeccable: "Every man, in this free country, is at full liberty to propose his sentiments to the public, and to defend those sentiments by the best arguments he is able to produce." His argument in favour of revealed religion is that it gives poor, miserable sinners the prospect of a "higher state of perfection" than that enjoyed by Adam and Eve. ESTC T208483 locates copies in BL, Birmingham, Congregational Library, York Minster Library, Oxford Regent's Park College (3 copies); Graduate Theological Union, Southern Methodist University, Yale. OCLC adds Albion, Brown, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. (Book ref. 6243)
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BIDDULPH (Thomas Tregenna): Practical Essays on the Morning and Evening Services of the Church of England. [AND]: Practical Essays on the Collects in the Liturgy of the Church of England, for the Sundays and Other Holidays.
London: Sold by Messrs. Rivington..., 1799, 1805. FIRST EDITION. 5 volumes. Large 12mo (in 6s), pp. [ii], 339 [340 Contents]; xiv [xv - xvi blank], 413 [414 blank]; [iv], 403 [404 blank]; [3] - 407 [408 blank]; [3] - 316, including half-titles in volumes 1 - 3, later 19th century half green calf, marbled boards, gilt spines; bindings a bit worn and knocked about, but sound with all covers firmly attached. Biddulph (1763 - 1838) was a popular preacher and minister, who tended a parish in Bristol most of his clerical life. He published a number of works on theology; today, he is sometimes remembered as the minister who conduct the burial service of Hannah More in 1833. These essays appear to be uncommon: ESTC T87426 locates only two copies for the first volume, L and Llp. No copies of the four 1805 volumes traced in RLG or OCLC, though later editions are readily found. (Book ref. 4740)
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John Price Antiquarian Books