Your search returned 15 results.
OLIVER V.L. The monumental inscriptions of the British West Indies.
Dorchester 267 large pp. 1st ed., fine in original cloth. Record of inscriptions on headstones found in graveyards of Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, Trinidad & Tobago and Br Guiana plus military graveyards throughout all the islands. An important work. (Book ref. OLIVERVL006075)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books
MARTIN J.B. Overtaken by events.
Doubleday & Co., New York 821pp + plates. 1st ed., inscribed by the author, fine in original cloth. (Book ref. MARTINJB005572)
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Pennymead Books
DAY C.W. Five years' residence in the West Indies.
London 2 vols. x + 335 + viii + 318pp + two engraved frontispieces. 1st ed., very fine in older half maroon calf with raised bands. The author visited Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad, St Vincent, Guadeloupe, Dominica, St Kitts and Antigua. The author gives a highly racist account of life in the islands but with some interesting details of daily social life. (Book ref. DAYCW014127)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books
DAVIS J.G.M. War Tax Stamps of the British Empire First World War.
R.P.S.L. xii + 400 large pp. 1st ed., new in D/W. Historical background to the issues, study of the overprints and postal use. (Book ref. WOPHB0028)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books
HONYCHURCH L. The Dominica Story.
Dominica Institute 225pp. 2nd revised ed. Fine in original card covers. (Book ref. HONYCHUR017656)
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Pennymead Books
EADEN J. The Memoirs of Pere Labat.
Frank Cass & Co xx + 263pp. Facsimile reprint of 1931 ed., fine in green cloth. Much on Dominica and Martinique plus a short passage on Saba. (Book ref. EADENJ020793)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books
DOMINICA Dominica Chronicle
Roseau Newspapers bound in later blue cloth. Pages browned and some very fragile. Some have suffered loss. News on the war plus interesting local adverts. (Book ref. DOMINICA020834)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books
1994 (8 Mar)
Christies S.J. Sugarman coll. of Dominica. 72pp + PR. (Book ref. 1994000426)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books
1988 (17 Nov)
Phillips Beaver Creek coll. of Dominica. 31pp + PR. (Book ref. 1988000366)
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Pennymead Books
1975 (12 Mar)
Robson Lowe Nabarro coll. of Dominica. 28pp + PR. (Book ref. 1975000403)
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Pennymead Books
ARMSTRONG D.B. The Edwardian stamps of the British Empire.
Bright & Son, London 79pp. 1st ed., clean in card covers. Listing of EDVII stamps of Antigua, Bahamas, Bechuanaland, B.C.A., Br Honduras, Canada, Caymans, Ceylon, Cyprus and Dominica. (Book ref. ARMSTRON018550)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books
TOEG E.V. Dominica.
BWISC 216 large pp, fine in D/W. Ltd. ed. of 300. Pre-adhesive marks, stamp issues with listing of proof material, postal fiscals and stationery. Vol. II in course of preparation will cover postmarks and later postal history. (Book ref. TOEGEV014023)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books
POOLE B.W.H. Dominica.
C. Baldwin 26pp + ads in orig. paper covers. Very scarce early work edited by F.J. Melville on the stamp issues. (Book ref. POOLEBWH000213)
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Pennymead Books
DOMINICA Dominica.
Hansib. Pub. 320 large pp. 1st ed., fine in D/W. Fine study of the island, profusely illustrated with colour plates. Recommended. (Book ref. DOMINICA002981)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books
CRACKNELL B.E. Dominica.
David & Charles 198pp + plates. 1st ed., fine in D/W. Good general guide to the island. (Book ref. CRACKNEL001653)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books