LOWE R. The Encyclopaedia of British Empire Postage Stamps.
Robson Lowe Ltd. 450pp. 2nd ed., fine in original cloth. (Book ref. LOWER020819)
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BAREFOOT J. Albania and Greece Revenues
York 116 large pp. 1st ed., new in card covers. The standard priced listing for Albania and Greece. Includes Crete and Cyprus. (Book ref. BAREFOOT020728)
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1959 (2-3 Mar) Granger collections of certain Br Commonwealth
H.R. Harmer 31pp + P.R. Fine Cyprus, Gibraltar, St Vincent and Virgin Islands. (Book ref. 1959020177)
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1956 (2 May)
Robson Lowe Ltd J.C. North collection of Cyprus. 24pp + PR. (Book ref. 1956019840)
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KESHISHIAN K. Romantic Cyprus.
Mark & Moody Ltd 100pp + 3 folding maps. Clean in original card covers. (Book ref. KESHISHI020624)
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CASTLE W.T.F. Members of the Cyprus Study Circle Cyprus 1353-1986.
Christies Robson Lowe 546pp. 3rd revised and enlarged ed., fine in D/W. Detailed study, highly recommended. (Book ref. CASTLEWT020225)
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CYPRUS A brief history and description of Salamis.
Nicosia 19pp + 4 photo plates. Revised ed., fine in blue card covers. (Book ref. CYPRUS013339)
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SPENCER M. Cyprus Watermarks
Hellenic P.S. of G.B. 8pp. 1st ed., fine in paper covers. Study of the watermarks on the issues from 1962 - 1973. (Book ref. SPENCERM019478)
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HARRIS E. Civil Censorship 1939-45
Cyprus Study Circle Paper No. 2 21pp. 1st ed., clean in paper covers. (Book ref. HARRISE019416)
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POOLE M.A. The Postmarks of Cyprus
Loutsios Press, Famagusta 60pp (approx.) 1st ed., fine in card covers. 10 x 7in Useful listings of all the islands post offices and their postmarks. (Book ref. POOLEMA018616)
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LAZARIDES S.G. Panorama of Cyprus
Athens 288pp. 1st ltd. ed. of 1500 copies, fine in D/W. Signed by the author on front end paper. Text in Greek and English. Well illustrated guide to early picture postcards of Cyprus. (Book ref. LAZARIDE018634)
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GOODWIN B.M. Mail Services of the pre 1974 invasion period.
Cockrill Series Booklet No. 35 48pp. 1st ed., fine in card covers. (Book ref. GOODWINB018620)
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BOLS A.N.D. The Postage Surcharge and Revenue Stamps of Cyprus
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SVERIGES FILATELIST - FORENING De Svenska FN-Forbandens Militarpoststamplar.
Stockholm 26pp. 1st ed., fine in orig. card covers. Detailed illustrated catalogue of special postmarks for Swedish UN Forces in Egypt and Cyprus. (Book ref. SVERIGES014469)
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PODGER C.J. Cyprus revenue stamps 1872-1997.
Pub. by the author. 119 + xxi large pp. 1st ed., fine in D/W. Well illustrated handbook. (Book ref. PODGERCJ004491)
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LOWE R. The Encyclopaedia of British Empire Postage Stamps.
Robson Lowe Ltd. 296pp. Revised ed., fine in orig. cloth. (Book ref. LOWER010274)
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LOWE R. The Encyclopaedia of British Empire Postage Stamps.
Robson Lowe Ltd. 296pp. Revised ed., fine in D/W. (Book ref. LOWER007017)
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LANTIS G. Cyprus.
Phaedros Editions, Nicosia 128 large pp. 2nd edition. Fine in original card covers. Small stain in margin of front cover. 9 x 12in Book of black and white and colour photographs of the island. (Book ref. LANTISG016554)
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CYPRUS A brief history and description of New Paphos.
Nicosia 19pp. 1st ed., fine in green card covers. (Book ref. CYPRUS013338)
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CYPRUS A brief history and description of Bellapais Abbey.
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