1966 (21 Apr) Classic Greece.
Harmer Rooke 31pp + 12 plates + PR. (Book ref. WOPHB0083)
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Pennymead Books
1965 (30 Sep) Greece and Netherlands.
Harmer Rooke 43pp + 12 plates + PR. (Book ref. WOPHB0085)
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Pennymead Books
1990 (26 May) Hermoupolis collection of Greece Part II.
Harmers 83pp. Many colour plates. (Book ref. WOPHB0049)
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Pennymead Books
1990 (25 May) ottoman Post Offices in Greece.
Harmers 111pp. Many colour plates. Includes detailed illustrations of all postmark types. (Book ref. WOPHB0050)
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Pennymead Books
PAPAIOANNOU Dr A.C. The Small Hermes Heads of Greece
Athens 125pp. Fine in card covers. Text in Greek and English. (Book ref. PAPAIOAN020968)
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Pennymead Books
BAREFOOT J. Albania and Greece Revenues
York 116 large pp. 1st ed., new in card covers. The standard priced listing for Albania and Greece. Includes Crete and Cyprus. (Book ref. BAREFOOT020728)
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1998 (28 Nov) Postage stamps and postal history of Greece
Collectio Alexandre Galinos, Athens 24pp + 16 col. plates + 32 B & W plates. (Book ref. 1998020238)
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Pennymead Books
1987 (24 Nov) Postage stamps of Greece 1861 to 1887
Sothebys 48pp + P.R. (Book ref. 1987020072)
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Pennymead Books
1968 (10-14 Dec) Frederick H. Gloeckner Greece
Vlastos Philatelic Auctions 72pp + photo plates. (Book ref. 1968019367)
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1962 (30 Nov)
Robson Lowe Ltd Burrus Greece and Egypt. 60pp + PR. (Book ref. 1962019846)
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CONSTANTIS M.C. Postal Service during the Greek War of Independence 1821 - 1827
Athens 144pp. Clean in card covers. Text in Greek only. (Book ref. CONSTANT020422)
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ZERVAS H.G. Greece Part III
Collectors Club, New York pp97-142. Clean in brown card covers. (Book ref. ZERVASHG020236)
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ZERVAS H.G. Greece Part II
Collectors Club, New York pp49-96. Clean in brown card covers. (Book ref. ZERVASHG020235)
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BINOS C.M. The 'NO' initials as censorship indication during the first World War,
Athens 23pp. 1st ed., clean in buff card covers. Text in Greek and English. (Book ref. BINOSCM019930)
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SMETH P. De Grece premier type.
Bruxelles 15pp. 1st ed., clean in card covers. (Book ref. SMETHPDE019415)
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XANTHOPOULOS A.D. Russian Mail of the Monastic 'Cell,
Athens 19pp. 1st ed., clean in yellow card covers. Text in Greek and English. (Book ref. XANTHOPO019360)
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STIEDL O.E. BILLIG F. Griechenland
Billigs Grosses Handbuch der Falschungen, Austria 1st ed. Fine in card covers. (Vol 1 only of two) Detailed guide to forgeries with enlarged photos of each type. (Book ref. STIEDLOE019359)
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STIEDL O.E. BILLIG F. Griechenland
Billigs Grosses Handbuch der Falschungen, Austria 2 vols. 1st ed. Fine in card covers. Detailed guide to forgeries with enlarged photos of each type. (Book ref. STIEDLOE019358)
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NICHOLAIDES S.G. Les Bureaux de Poste Grecs et leurs cachets pendant la guerre
Athens 6pp. Clean in yellow card covers. Text in French and Greek. (Book ref. NICHOLAI019366)
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MALCOLM D. Detective Story
Privately published 9 large pp. 1st ed., fine in blue card covers. Burma - Athens airmail of 1932. (Book ref. MALCOLMD019393)
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