Your search returned 7 results.
BAREFOOT J. South East Asia Revenues
York 286 large pp. 1st ed., new in card covers. The standard priced listing for Burma, Cambodia, French India, Hong Kong, IndoChina, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. (Book ref. BAREFOOT020729)
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Pennymead Books
HEDEMAN N.F. BOEKEMA R. Dai Nippon in South East Asia.
R. Boekema, The Hague 186pp. 1st English ed., fine in orig. pictorial cloth + 1980 supplement in Dutch. A philatelic study of the Japanese ocupation issues and postmarks in Dutch East Indies, Malaya, Borneo, Brunei, Sarawak, Labuan, etc. Scarce. (Book ref. HEDEMANN018315)
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Pennymead Books
TORNQUIST O. Dilemmas of Third World Communism.
Zed Books Ltd 307pp. Paperback. Fine. (Book ref. TORNQUIS017088)
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Pennymead Books
BULTERMAN P.R. Poststempels Nederlands-Indie 1864-1950.
Davo 579pp. 1st ed., fine in D/W. Highly detailed and well illustrated with colour and black and white photos. Philatelic handbook with much on Japanese occupation. (Book ref. BULTERMA004096)
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Pennymead Books
BOESMAN J. Uit de geschiedenis van het luchtpostvervoer.
Davo 395pp. 1st ed., fine in decorated blue cloth. Specialised catalogue of first and special flight covers of Nettherlands and Colonies. Well illustrated. (Book ref. BOESMANJ008986)
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Pennymead Books
ANON Handboek der Postwaarden van Nederlandsch-Indie.
Haarlem 2 vols. 113 + 237 large pp + 23 plates. 1st ed., fine in orig. card covers. Detailed listings of stamps of Netherland Indies, with English translation included. Very scarce. (Book ref. ANON004104)
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Pennymead Books
ABBOTT C.M. & N.B. Voyage of the Othello taking 117 passengers from Liverpool to Australia
Ebor Press, York 91pp. 1st ed., fine in pictorial card covers. Well illustrated with line drawings and old plates. (Book ref. ABBOTTCM016289)
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Pennymead Books