Your search returned 17 results.
1966 (9 Jun) Italian States, Poland, its forerunners and Russia.
Harmer Rooke 35pp + 8 plates + PR. (Book ref. WOPHB0084)
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Pennymead Books
1993 (1 May) to 1994 (4 Jun) Liphschutz collection of Russia, parts 1 - 6.
Illustrated in colour throughout. Includes classic issues, Russia used abroad and Soviet Russia. (Book ref. WOPHB0054)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books
1988 (2-3 Nov) Grand Prix collection of French Colonies and large gold collection of Russia.
Harmers 95pp + PR. Many fine illustrations. (Book ref. WOPHB0055)
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Pennymead Books
GREAVES A.W. ROBERTS C.W. The Trident Issues of the Ukraine.
Privately printed 2 vols. 23 + 22pp with two tipped in photo plates. 1st ltd. ed., no. 24 of 50 copies, fine in blue card covers. Specialised study of these stamp issues. Well illustrated guide. (Book ref. GREAVESA019345)
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Pennymead Books
CHURCHIN F.G. Russia Zemstvos
York 92 large pp. Revised reprint of 1925 ed. New in spiral ring binding. Classic listing of these local stamps. (Book ref. CHURCHIN020733)
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Pennymead Books
BAREFOOT J. Russia Revenues
York 286 large pp. 1st ed., new in card covers. The standard priced listing for Russian area including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tuva, Ukraine, etc. (Book ref. BAREFOOT020730)
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Pennymead Books
BAREFOOT J. Hall A. Georgia.
York 66 large pp. Card covers in spiral binding. Covers the Russian Imperial Period, 1917-8 Provisionals, National Republic and Soviet Republic stamps with detailed listings of Batum, Transcaucasia plus revenues. (Book ref. BAREFOOT020719)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books
1986 (6 May) Norman Epstein collection
Christies Robson Lowe 16pp + P.R. (Book ref. 1986019351)
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Pennymead Books
1939 (20-21 Nov) Agathon Faberge collections of Russia
H.R. Harmer 44pp. (Book ref. 1939019379)
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Pennymead Books
OTT R.E. Postal History of Soviet Antarctic Activities 1955 - 1977
American Society of Polar Philatelists 140pp. 1st ed., fine in two ring binder. (Book ref. OTTRE020344)
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Pennymead Books
UKRAINE The Trident Issues of the Ukraine.
Privately printed Photocopy of a specialised collection bound in yellow card covers. (Book ref. UKRAINE019350)
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Pennymead Books
KIRYUSHKIN A.V. ROBINSON P.E. Russian Postmarks.
J. Barefoot Ltd 110 large pp. 1st ed., fine in spiral ring binding. (Book ref. KIRYUSHK019348)
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Pennymead Books
BAZILEVICH K.V. The Russian Posts in the XIX Century
Rossica Translation No. 2 159 large pp. 1st English translation of 1927 ed., fine in D/W. (Book ref. BAZILEVI019355)
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Pennymead Books
CECCHI A. L'organizzazione della posta militare italiana in Russia
Istituto di Studi Storici Postali - Prato 67pp + large folding map. Fine in grey card covers. (Book ref. CECCHIA018474)
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Pennymead Books
WHITE G.M. An annotated list of the postage stamps of the Soviet Republics 1917 - 1925.
Harris Publications Ltd., London 56pp. 1st ed., fine in orig. card covers. Illustrated guide. (Book ref. WHITEGM014083)
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Pennymead Books
SOLTAU Dr S. TEUBER W. Sonder Katalog der Briefmarken der ehemaligen Ukrainischen Volksrepublik.
Bremenhaven 73pp. 1st ed., pages browned otherwise clean in orig. yellow card covers. Specialised catalogue of these overprints. (Book ref. SOLTAUDR014434)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books
BILLIG F. Vol. 30 Billig's philatelic handbook.
HJMR Co 1st ed., fine in slightly marked orig. blue cloth. Three works incorporated in this volume:- Zemstvo Gazetteer by Speers, 100pp; Turkish cancellations by Passer, 36pp and Phantom stamps by Williams, 64pp. (Book ref. BILLIGF015887)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books