Your search returned 17 results.
London 292pp + plates. 1st ed., clean in green rather worn half calf. Includes fine series of articles on the stamps of Turkey by R.B. Yardley (Book ref. WOPHB0106)
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Pennymead Books
1990 (25 May) ottoman Post Offices in Greece.
Harmers 111pp. Many colour plates. Includes detailed illustrations of all postmark types. (Book ref. WOPHB0050)
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Pennymead Books
TOMKINS T.L.C. Turkish Arabia.
John Huxley Stamps, London 32pp. 1st ed., fine in orig. card covers. Useful guide to postmarks with rarity guide. (Book ref. TOMKINST016033)
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Pennymead Books
POLLACK F.W. The Turkish Post in the Holy Land
Holy Land Philatelist Ltd 59pp. 1st ed., clean in original orange boards. (Book ref. POLLACKF020617)
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Pennymead Books
BIRKEN A. Handbook of Turkish Philately.
Nicosia 80pp. 1st ed., fine in card covers. (Book ref. BIRKENA019895)
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Pennymead Books
BIRKEN A. Handbook of Turkish Philately.
Nicosia 40pp. 1st ed., fine in card covers. Guide to identifying and converting dates in Ottoman cancellations. (Book ref. BIRKENA019894)
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Pennymead Books
BARTHOLOMEW J. Bartholomew's map of the Middle East
John Bartholomew & Son Large folding map mounted on cloth. Fine. (Book ref. BARTHOLO019195)
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Pennymead Books
TOMKINS T.L.C. Turkey used abroad.
Stamp Fair 13pp series of articles, neatly collated. (Book ref. TOMKINST014453)
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Pennymead Books
TOMKINS T.L.C. Turkish Arabia.
John Huxley Stamps 32pp + blank interleaving. 1st ed., fine in orig. card covers. Useful guide to postmarks with rarity guide. (Book ref. TOMKINST003996)
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Pennymead Books
Billigs Grosses Handbuch der Falschungen, Austria 2 vols. 1st ed. Fine in card covers. Detailed guide to forgeries with enlarged photos of each type. (Book ref. STIEDLOE015889)
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Pennymead Books
PASSER A. The stamps of Turkey.
R.P.S. 240pp. Vol. 1 only. Lacking Vol. 2 which contains the plates. 1st ed., fine in card covers. A rare work. (Book ref. PASSERA010308)
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Pennymead Books
PASSER A. The stamps of Turkey.
R.P.S. 2 vols. 240pp + 77 plates + 9 other plates. 1st ed., fine in original worn cloth. A rare work, containing a few Turkish stamps. (Book ref. PASSERA003977)
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Pennymead Books
PASSER A. Die Briefmarken der Provisorischen Turkischen Regierung in Angora.
Wein 38pp + folding table. 1st ed., fine in orig. card covers. Signed dedication from the author on title page. (Book ref. PASSERA014450)
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Pennymead Books
KITCHOUKIS A. Catalogue Special des Timbres-Poste d'Anatolie et de la Republique Turque
Constantinople 38pp. 2nd ed., fine in worn red card covers. Specialised catalogue of the stamp issues. (Book ref. KITCHOUK014441)
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Pennymead Books
HIGLETT G.A. Turkey. Random notes.
Harris Pub. Ltd. 16pp, inter-leaved. 1st ed., fine in card covers. Notes on the earlier stamp issues with photo plates. (Book ref. HIGLETTG014438)
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Pennymead Books
GIRAY K. ERTUGHRUL J. The Ottoman Field Post Offices
O.P.A.L. & H.P.S. 120pp. 1st ed. Paperback. As new. 8 x 10.5in Fine handbook profusely illustrated in colour. Text in Turkish and English. (Book ref. GIRAYK016446)
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Pennymead Books
BILLIG F. Vol. 30 Billig's philatelic handbook.
HJMR Co 1st ed., fine in slightly marked orig. blue cloth. Three works incorporated in this volume:- Zemstvo Gazetteer by Speers, 100pp; Turkish cancellations by Passer, 36pp and Phantom stamps by Williams, 64pp. (Book ref. BILLIGF015887)
Offered for sale by
Pennymead Books