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1993 (28-29 Sep) Ryohei Ishikawa collection of United States stamps and covers 1847-1869
Christies 363pp. Fine in D/W. Illustrated in colour throughout. (Book ref. WOPHB0080)   £15.00
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FRY S. Stephen Fry in America.
Harper Collins 313pp. 1st ed., fine in fine D/W. (Book ref. MISBO0006)   £4.00
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NEWMAN F.W. Anglo-Saxon abolition of negro slavery.
Negro Uni. Press, New York 136pp. Reprint of 1889 ed., fine in original brown cloth. (Book ref. NEWMANFW005602)   £5.00
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SAINSBURY N. Calendar of state papers. Colonial Series. America and the West Indies.
Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, London lxi + 594pp + errata + HMSO catalogue. Large 8vo. Very fine in orig. blue-green decorated blindstamped cloth. Published between 1860-1969 the series covers the period 1577-1738 and provides a comprehensive summary of all State correspondence concerning America and the West Indies. Shorter documents are fully transcribed and larger ones are summarised. Noted are many letters from important figures in West Indian history including Codrington plus many from Governors of the colonies. A very important historical source. (Book ref. SAINSBUR015605)   £40.00
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SAINSBURY N. Calendar of state papers. Colonial Series. America and the West Indies.
Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, London 2 + lxi + 700pp + HMSO catalogue. Large 8vo. Very fine in orig. blue-green decorated blindstamped cloth. Published between 1860-1969 the series covers the period 1577-1738 and provides a comprehensive summary of all State correspondence concerning America and the West Indies. Shorter documents are fully transcribed and larger ones are summarised. Noted are many letters from important figures in West Indian history including Codrington plus many from Governors of the colonies. A very important historical source. (Book ref. SAINSBUR015606)   £40.00
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SAINSBURY N. FORTESCUE J.W. Calendar of state papers. Colonial Series. America and the West Indies.
Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, London 2 + lv + 828pp + errata + HMSO catalogue. Large 8vo. Very fine in orig. blue-green decorated blindstamped cloth. Published between 1860-1969 the series covers the period 1577-1738 and provides a comprehensive summary of all State correspondence concerning America and the West Indies. Shorter documents are fully transcribed and larger ones are summarised. Noted are many letters from important figures in West Indian history including Codrington plus many from Governors of the colonies. A very important historical source. (Book ref. SAINSBUR015607)   £40.00
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SAINSBURY N. FORTESCUE J.W. Calendar of state papers. Colonial Series. America and the West Indies.
Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, London 2 + xxxviii + 713pp + errata + HMSO catalogue. Large 8vo. Very fine in orig. blue-green decorated blindstamped cloth. Published between 1860-1969 the series covers the period 1577-1738 and provides a comprehensive summary of all State correspondence concerning America and the West Indies. Shorter documents are fully transcribed and larger ones are summarised. Noted are many letters from important figures in West Indian history including Codrington plus many from Governors of the colonies. A very important historical source. (Book ref. SAINSBUR015608)   £40.00
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SAINSBURY N. FORTESCUE J.W. Calendar of state papers. Colonial Series. America and the West Indies.
Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, London 2 + xxxvi + 807pp + errata + HMSO catalogue. Large 8vo. Very fine in orig. blue-green decorated blindstamped cloth. Published between 1860-1969 the series covers the period 1577-1738 and provides a comprehensive summary of all State correspondence concerning America and the West Indies. Shorter documents are fully transcribed and larger ones are summarised. Noted are many letters from important figures in West Indian history including Codrington plus many from Governors of the colonies. A very important historical source. (Book ref. SAINSBUR015609)   £40.00
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SAINSBURY N. FORTESCUE J.W. Calendar of state papers. Colonial Series. America and the West Indies.
Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, London 2 + xxix + 714pp + errata + HMSO catalogue. Large 8vo. Very fine in orig. blue-green decorated blindstamped cloth. Published between 1860-1969 the series covers the period 1577-1738 and provides a comprehensive summary of all State correspondence concerning America and the West Indies. Shorter documents are fully transcribed and larger ones are summarised. Noted are many letters from important figures in West Indian history including Codrington plus many from Governors of the colonies. A very important historical source. (Book ref. SAINSBUR015610)   £40.00
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SAINSBURY N. FORTESCUE J.W. Calendar of state papers. Colonial Series. America and the West Indies.
Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, London 2 + xxxiv + 630pp + errata + HMSO catalogue. Large 8vo. Very fine in orig. blue-green decorated blindstamped cloth. Published between 1860-1969 the series covers the period 1577-1738 and provides a comprehensive summary of all State correspondence concerning America and the West Indies. Shorter documents are fully transcribed and larger ones are summarised. Noted are many letters from important figures in West Indian history including Codrington plus many from Governors of the colonies. A very important historical source. (Book ref. SAINSBUR015611)   £40.00
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2003 Meiso Mizuhara. The Exhibition Collections
Spink 119pp. (Book ref. 2003018741)   £6.00
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1997 (5 Sep) Dr Joseph Agris collection of U.S. Coil Issues.
Shreeves 120pp. Hardbound. (Book ref. 1997019077)   £6.00
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1996 (24 May) United States and foreign stamps and covers
Sotheby's 194 lots. (Book ref. 1996020065)   £5.00
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1993 (5 May) Louis Grunin collection of Free Franks and Americana
Robert Siegel 96pp + PR. (Book ref. 1993019145)   £6.00
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1958 (17 Nov) United States
H.R. Harmer 27pp + PR. Includes 12 photo plates. (Book ref. 1958020180)   £12.00
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1955 (27-30 Jun) Waterhouse collection of XIX th Century United States
H.R. Harmer 120pp + P.R. Realisations added in manuscript. Loose in original card covers. (Book ref. 1955019375)   £12.00
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1954 (6-7 Dec) James Durham collection of United States
H.R. Harmer 34pp. Fine in card covers. Includes 7 photo plates. (Book ref. 1954020167)   £20.00
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1941-2 The Edward S. Knapp collection
Parke Bernet Galleries 3 vols. 368 + 308 + 142pp + PR. Contents clean in worn and torn original card covers, contents loose in places. Important sale of USA classic material. (Book ref. 19412019920)   £30.00
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TOOLEY R.V. Map Collectors' Circle No. 20.
London 12pp + 42 plates. 1st ed., fine in original buff card covers (7.5 x 10in). (Book ref. TOOLEYRV020216)   £12.00
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LOWE R. World War II U.S. Service Mail.
Christies Robson Lowe 15pp. 1st ed., clean in torn paper covers. (Book ref. LOWER019902)   £6.00
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