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Excell A W, Fernandes A & Wild H (Editors): Flora Zambesiaca: Volume Two, Part Two: Mozambique, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Bechuanaland Protectorate
London: Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administrations, 1966 First edition, paperback, very good tight condition, original uncreased green card wraps, 300 pages including index, colour frontis and b/w line drawings throughout, fold-out b/w map of geograhical divisions at rear. (Book ref. 1369) £20.00
Offered for sale by The Old Print House Order / Enquire about this book
Camerapix [editor]: Spectrum Guide to African Wildlife Safaris: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Somalia, Malawi, Zambia, Rwanda, Burundi
UK: Moorland Publishing, 1989 ISBN: 086190320X First edition, paperback, very good lightly used condition, uncreased illustrated glossy card covers, 320 pages including index, colour and b/w photo illustrations--------------Part 1 - Background; Part 2 - The Wildlife; Part 3 - Specialist Articles; Part 4 - Conservation and National Parks; Part 5 - Appendices. (Book ref. 1848) £7.00
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Baker, Colin: Sir Glyn Jones: A Proconsul in Africa
London: I B Taurus, 2000 Hardback, first edition, near fine condition, no dust-jacket, publisher's original dark blue clothboards with silver-gilt blocking to front and spine, 352 pages including index, 16 b/w photo illustrations, 3 b/w maps--------------"British rule in the Central Africa protectorates of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland covered little more than seven decades, and at the time of independence in 1964 there were a few officers who had served in their administrations for nearly half that period. Glyn Jones was one of them. The changes which he witnessed during his 35 years service were enormous. This book sets out, by studying Jones's life, in the first part to examine a fairly typical successful colonial adminstrative service career and, in the second part, to examine an unusually successful and remarkable continuation of that career." (Book ref. 2472) £30.00
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SCHOFFELEERS, J. Matthew: River of blood: the genesis of a martyr cult in Southern Malawi, c AD 1600.
Madison, University Wiconsin Press, 1992. 1st. Good red p/b. 15 cms x 23 cms, 325pp. 27 b/w illus, 7 maps, 4 charts. Tells of development of Mbona people's martyr cult in response to Portugese presence in Zambesia 1590-1622. Weight 468g. 0299133249. (Book ref. 172) £8.50
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Pachai Bridglal Malawi: The History of the Nation
London: Longman Group Ltd., 1973. 1st. Paperback. Near Fine/No Dustwrapper. 8vo 0582645530 A book starting with the early peoples of Malawi, the pr-Maravi, to the late 1960s. The author considers the influence of Islamic Arabs, the Portugese and the British in covering the political, economic, and religious development of the country. A book of 324 pages illustrated with some b&w photographs and maps. Bound in blue thin card covers a little faded on the spine & top of the front cover. A clean crisp book. (Book ref. 028999) £37.00
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Ibik, J.O. Malawi 2 : Law of Land, Succession, Movable Property, Agreements and Civil Wrongs - Restatement of African Law 4
Hardcover Sweet & Maxwell london 1st Edition 1972 209 0421163100 All items in stock -posted First Class on day of order (if received before 4.00pm) - expect next day delivery in UK, or within 3-6 working days for all non-UK destinations Nice clean b Very Good (Book ref. 539795) £75.00
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Anon Mocambique: documentario trimestral, no 67
Mozambique: Imprensa Nacional De Mocambique, 1951. First Edition. Softcover. Fair. Large format paperback, card covers rubbed at corners, torn at base of spine, pages edges damp marked, no inscriptions. 138 pages, illustrations in the text. Text in Portuguese (Book ref. 35426) £12.00
Offered for sale by Aucott & Thomas Order / Enquire about this book
Gordon-Brown, A. (Ed). The Year Book And Guide To Southern Africa: South Africa, South West Africa, Rhodesia, Zambia, Malawi, etc..
1965, Robert Hale. 8vo, 720pp + 79pp of adverts. 2 removable folding maps, tables, maps and photos in text. No DW. Cloth covered boards rather rubbed, and gold lettering mostly gone. VG/G copy. Discusses everything from where to stay and what to do to the state of industry and education. (Book ref. RHB1057) £18.00
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Harry Langworthy "Africa For The African" The Life Of Joseph Booth
Christian Literature Association In Malawi (CLAIM), Malawi, 1996 First Edition. Book Condition: Good. Dust Jacket Condition: No Jacket. A Kachere Monograph. 'Missionaries have often been accused of being hand in glove with colonialism. If this may be true for many, it is definitely not true for Joseph Booth, who published in 1897 his book "Africa for the African" and two years later demanded Independence for Malawi before 1920. Without him, the pacifist, the 1915 Chilemhwe Rising in Malawi would not have been possible, and seven major churches in Malawi would not exist without him, either. Based on a careful and extensive study of the primary sources in three continents the book tells the story of the "maverick missionary" in Malawi, South Africa and Lesotho and of his efforts to find support in Australia, Britain and in the United States of America. Harry Langworthy, who died while this book was prepared for printing, was the great-grandson of Joseph Booth through Emily Langworthy-Booth, who came to Malawi with her recently widowed father as a seven year old girl in 1892. He wrote this book over 20 years as a personal quest and to answer a scholarly challenge. He taught history at the University ofZambia and then became Professor of History at Cleverland State University.' Book - in Good Plus Plus card covers - light rippling effect to the card covers, light crease to the front cover and light rubbing to the spine. Contents, clean, bright and tightly bound. Size: 8.25 inches tall by 5.75 inches. 520 pages. Quantity Available: 1. Shipped Weight: 251-750 grams. Category: Religion & Theology; ISBN: 9990816034. Inventory No: 5056. (Book ref. 5056) £32.00
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London: HMSO, 1893. 4pp. 8vo. Paper wrappers. British Parliamentary Paper Treaty Series No 10. C 7032. A clean copy. (Book ref. 157656) £12.00
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Kissinger, Henry A. The Kissinger Study of Southern Africa
London: Pall Mall Press and Barrie & Rockliff, 1975. First Edition. Hardcover. Fine/Good. 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall 0851241220 Some rubbing to d/j. (Book ref. 036540) £8.99
Offered for sale by Delectus Books Order / Enquire about this book
Neame, L.E. The History of Apartheid: The Story of the Colour War in South Africa
London: Pall Mall Press and Barrie & Rockliff, 1962. First Edition. Hardcover. Good/No Jacket. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall B0000CL9PX Ex-Library (Book ref. 036406) £15.00
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Fine, Ben and Rustomjee, Zavareh The Political Economy of South Africa
London: C. Hurst & Co., 1997. First Paperback Edition. Paperback. Good. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall 1850652570 Ex-Library Rather than proposing a blue-print for a more equable economic system in South Africa, this book presents the results and implications of research on both the history and current dynamics of the South African economy, from World War II to the present. The authors analyze a range of strategic economic trajectories, linking these to the shifting balance of economic and political power within South Africa. However, their approach is not prescriptive; instead, they set the boundaries within which the economic and political debates are conducted. They also discuss the theoretical arguments involved in the propositions that they and others have put forward. In this and other respects - such as the data presented and the fact that each chapter is written in a self-contained fashion so that particular topics can be studied in isolation from others - this study serves as a textbook of the political economy of South Africa. (Book ref. 036038) £8.00
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The Special Committee Against Apartheid General Assembly: Official Records 37th Session Supplement No. 22: Report of the Special Committee Against Apartheid (A/37/22)
New York: United Nations, 1982. First Edition. Paperback. Very Good. 4to - over 9¾" - 12" tall 011907608X (Book ref. 034287) £65.00
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Weinrich, A.K.H. Women and Racial Discrimination in Rhodesia
Paris: UNESCO, 1979. First Edition. Paperback. Very Good. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall 9231016210 (Book ref. 034241) £40.00
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Monson, Ronald A. Across Africa on Foot
London: Elkin Mathews & Marrot, 1936. Illustrated by J. Hunter Wilson. First Edition. Cloth. Good/No Jacket. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall B001GJV3RI Cape to Cairo walk by two young Australians between Sept. 1928 and Dec. 1929. (Book ref. 026379) £25.00
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Santa Cruz, Hernan Racial Discrimination
New York: United Nations, 1977. Second Edition. Paperback. Very Good. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall 0119049740 Revised and updated edition. (Book ref. 025182) £25.00
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Kuper, Hilda The Swazi: A South African Kingdom
New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1963. First Edition. Hardcover. Good/No Jacket. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall B001A9PQQ8 Ex-Library (Book ref. 021258) £6.00
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Walker, Eric Anderson The Great Trek
London: Adam & Charles Black, 1965. Fifth Edition. Hardcover. Good/Good. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall Ex-Library (Book ref. 017001) £15.00
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Wilson, Monica Communal Rituals of the Nyakyusa
London: Oxford University Press, 1959. First Edition. Cloth. Good/Good. 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall 0198231679 Ex-Library Dr. Wilson's outstanding work amongst the Nyakyusa of Northern Malawi and Southern Tanzania. Some minor annotation. (Book ref. 014265) £15.00
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