Michel Millodot Dictionary of Optometry and Visual Science
Butterworth Heinemann, 2001. Fifth Edition Reprint. Paperback. Fine/No Jacket. 6" x 9" 0750643730 Softback Covers and contents clean, crisp and bright. Slight creasing to corners of covers. (Book ref. 040904) £25.00
"Rubin, L" Optometry Handbook
Butterworth "This book has soft covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In fair condition, suitable as a study copy., 400g, ISBN: " (Book ref. 2168526) £16.23
"Classe, J G Hisaka, C Lakin, D H Rounds, R S Thal, L S" Business Aspects of Optometry
Butterworth-Heinemann "This book has hardback covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In good all round condition.No dust jacket., 1000g, ISBN: " (Book ref. 2013141) £15.10
Williams & Wilkins Complete Preparation for the OAT: Optometry Admission Test
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins "This book has soft covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In good all round condition., 750g, ISBN: 9780683305524" (Book ref. 2354059) £13.00
STIDWILL Orthoptic Assessment and Management (Modern optometry)
Wiley-Blackwell "This book has board covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In good all round condition.No dust jacket., 750g, ISBN: 9780632027767" (Book ref. 2112007) £40.00
Helen Farrall Optometric Management of Visual Handicap (Modern Optometry)
Wiley-Blackwell "This book has hardback covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In fair condition, suitable as a study copy.No dust jacket., 750g, ISBN: 9780632027743" (Book ref. 2354084) £39.99
"Harris, M G" Problems in Optometry: Special Contact Lens Procedures
J.B. Lippincott Co "Vol 2 No. 2This book has hardback covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In fair condition, suitable as a study copy.No dust jacket., 500g, ISBN: " (Book ref. 2354024) £32.00
"Patorgis, C J" Problems in Optometry: Posterior Pole Disorders
J.B. Lippincott Co "Vol 3 No. 4This book has hardback covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In fair condition, suitable as a study copy.No dust jacket., 550g, ISBN: " (Book ref. 2353994) £32.00
"Scheiman, M M" Problems in Optometry: Pediatric Optometry
J.B. Lippincott Co "Vol. 2 No. 3This book has hardback covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In fair condition, suitable as a study copy.No dust jacket., 750g, ISBN: " (Book ref. 2353998) £32.00
"Cole, R G and Rosenthal, B P" Problems in Optometry: Patient and Practice Management in Low Vision
J.B. Lippincott Co "This book has hardback covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In fair condition, suitable as a study copy.No dust jacket., 600g, ISBN: " (Book ref. 2353988) £32.00
"London, R" Problems in Optometry: Ocular Vertical and Cyclovertical Deviations
J.B. Lippincott Co "Volume 4 No. 4This book has hardback covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In fair condition, suitable as a study copy.No dust jacket., 600g, ISBN: " (Book ref. 2353992) £32.00
"Blaustein, B H" Problems in Optometry: Ocular Manifestations of Neurological Disease
J.B. Lippincott Co "Vol.3 No. 4This book has hardback covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In fair condition, suitable as a study copy.No dust jacket., 650g, ISBN: " (Book ref. 2353997) £32.00
"Nyman, J S" Problems in Optometry: Ocular Emergencies
J.B. Lippincott Co "Vol 1 No 1This book has hardback covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In fair condition, suitable as a study copy.No dust jacket., 650g, ISBN: " (Book ref. 2353996) £32.00
"Sheedy, J E" Problems in Optometry: Environmental Optics
J.B. Lippincott Co "Vol. 2 No. 1This book has hardback covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In fair condition, suitable as a study copy.No dust jacket., 600g, ISBN: " (Book ref. 2354025) £32.00
"Rutstein, R P" Problems in Optometry: Amblyopia
J.B. Lippincott Co "This book has hardback covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In fair condition, suitable as a study copy.No dust jacket., 650g, ISBN: " (Book ref. 2353995) £32.00
"Rosenthal, B P and Cole, R G" Problems in Optometry: A Structured Approach to Low Vision Care
J.B. Lippincott Co "Vol. 3 No. 3This book has hardback covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In fair condition, suitable as a study copy.No dust jacket., 550g, ISBN: " (Book ref. 2353993) £32.00
"Petito, G T et al" Problems in Optometry
J.B. Lippincott Company "This book has hardback covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In fair condition, suitable as a study copy.No dust jacket., 650g, ISBN: " (Book ref. 2353987) £32.00
"Abplanalp, P L" Problems in Optometry
J.B. Lippincott Co "This book has hardback covers.Ex-library,With usual stamps and markings,In fair condition, suitable as a study copy.No dust jacket., 650g, ISBN: " (Book ref. 2353989) £32.00
"F. G. Brown,Robert Fletcher" "Glaucoma in Optometric Practice (Modern Optometry)"
"WileyBlackwell 1990" "Paperback,ex-library, with usual stamps and markings, in poor all round condition, suitable as a reading copy. Ships within 24 hours. pp., 750grams, ISBN:063202772x" (Book ref. 1512460) £19.99
Riddell, W J B The Glasgow Ophthalmic Institution 1868 - 1968
Glasgow Royal Infirmary and Related Hospitals Glasgow 1st 1968 HB. Hardcover. Very Good. A history. Red cloth lightly marked and worn, VG, no DJ. 31pp (Book ref. BYB3996) £14.21