(Lighthouse Acts). A BILL For vesting Lighthouses and Lights on the Coasts of England, in the Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond, and for making Provisions for Respecting Lighthouses, Lights, Buoys, Beacons, and Sea-marks and the Tolls and Duties payable in respect thereof. Prepared and bought in by Mr Hume and Mr Ewart (First) and Mr Poulett Thomson and Mr Labouchere.
Ordered by the House of Commons to be Printed, 8 February 23 June 1836. 2 vols. Sm. folio. 31pp. + 32pp. Disbound. Light browning. US$55 (Book ref. 201391) £35.00
'THE GUN BARREL PROOF ACT, 1868' So Far as Relates to the Provisions Affecting the Guardians of the Birmingham Proof House. WITH INDEX.
HMSO 1868 Tall 8vo., bound in dark blue cloth gilt, 8pp index followed by 55pp Act. Some light foxing, boards slightly bowed. Sound overall. (SHELF 101/End) (Book ref. 34145) £30.00
OFFICER, An. A View of the French Campaign in Russia, in the year 1812, ...containing the movements of both armies, and All the Battles fought from the time of the entrance of the French into the Russian territories at Kowno... to their retreat from Moscow... to which is added a calculation of provisions and forage necessary for the support of a large army one week .... By An Officer.
Printed by David Jenkin, Swansea: and sold by Egerton, Whitehall... 1813. FIRST EDITION, pp.x,208,viii; folding engraved map of the Seat of War in Russia, 1812 & folding table of The Loss sustained in each Army. A good uncut copy in original boards, neatley rebacked, paper label; ownership signature of 'David R. Rees, Llanbadarn Fawr, July 27th, 1851. Engineer' with his various ms. calculations on rear endpapers. A scarce account: Copac cites BL & Univ. of London (M.S. Anderson coll.) copies only. (Book ref. 14704) £350.00
8pp., folio, stitched as issued, fine copy, London, House of Commons, 1842. (Book ref. 21970) £30.00
RETURN in pursuance of PROVISIONS of the 50th SECTION of the DISEASES of ANIMALS ACT, 1894, for the Year ended 1898, as regards IRELAND.
London.: HMSO, 1899. 119pp. Folio. Paper wrappers. Rebound in card covers. British Parliamentary Paper. C.-9347. The Diseases of Animals Acts, 1894 and 1896. Comprising Orders, Circulars, Expenditure, Statistical Tables relating to Animals in Ireland, Contagious Diseases amongst Animals in Ireland, and Animals Exported and Imported to/from Ireland. A clean copy. (Book ref. 158368) £25.00
Admiralty BALANCE SHEET and ACCOUNTS of SHIPBUILDING and DOCKYARD TRANSACTIONS, &c., and DOCKYARD MANUFACTURES, for the Financial Year 1919-1920; together with the REPORT of the COMPTROLLER & AUDITOR thereon
London: HMSO, 1922. 126pp. Folio. Paper wrappers. Rebound in card covers. British Parliamentary paper. HC 229. A very clean copy. Navy (Dockyard Expense Accounts), 1919-1920. Showing New Construction contract built ships. (Book ref. 158232) £15.00
Slavery AN ACT to carry into further Execution the Provisions of an Act passed in the Third and Fourth Years of His present Majesty, for compensating Owners of Slaves upon the Abolition of Slavery.
London: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, 1835. Pages numbered 341-348, disbound, small folio, Act of Parliament. --- Please e-mail for one of my FREE CATALOGUES which include [ Manuscripts, Maps, Ephemera, Views, etc., etc. ] --- (Book ref. UK29-3026) £15.00
Slavery AN ACT to carry into further Execution the Provisions of an Act for completing the full Payment of Compensation to Owners of Slaves upon the Abolition of Slavery.
London: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Spottiswoode, 1837. Pages numbered 17-19, disbound, small folio, Act of Parliament. --- Please e-mail for one of my FREE CATALOGUES which include [ Manuscripts, Maps, Ephemera, Views, etc., etc. ] --- (Book ref. UK29-3025) £28.00
Slave Trade AN ACT to extend the Provisions of an Act made in the Forty-sixth Year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled An Act for the more speedy Trial of Offences committed in distant Parts upon the Seas, to the Trial of Offences committed in Africa against the Laws for abolishing the Slave Trade
London: Printed by George Eyre, and Andrew Strahan, 1819. Pages numbered 1009- 1011, disbound, small folio, Act of Parliament. --- Please e-mail for one of my FREE CATALOGUES which include [ Manuscripts, Maps, Ephemera, Views, etc., etc. ] --- (Book ref. UK29-3019) £12.00
Rogues and vagabonds AN ACT to extend the Provisions of an Act... intituled An Act to amend and make more effectual the Laws relating to Rogues, Vagabonds, and other idle and disorderley Persons....
1800. 2pp., sm. folio. Disbound. Act of Parliament. Mainly aimed at poachers. --- Please e-mail for one of my FREE CATALOGUES which include [ Manuscripts, Maps, Ephemera, Views, etc., etc. ] --- (Book ref. UK29-2950) £10.00
Cotton Mills and Factories AN ACT to make further Provisions for the Regulation of Cotton Mills and Factories, and for the better Preservation of the Health of young Persons employed therein.
London: Printed by George Eyre, and Andrew Strahan, 1825. Pages numbered 561-566, disbound, small folio, Act of Parliament. --- Please e-mail for one of my FREE CATALOGUES which include [ Manuscripts, Maps, Ephemera, Views, etc., etc. ] --- (Book ref. UK29-2943) £12.00
Public Whipping AN ACT to repeal an Act passed in the Fifty-seventh Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act to abolish the Punishment of public Whipping on Female Offenders, and to make further Provisions in lieu thereof.
London: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan. 1820. Pages numbered 421-422, disbound, small folio, Act of Parliament. --- Please e-mail for one of my FREE CATALOGUES which include [ Manuscripts, Maps, Ephemera, Views, etc., etc. ] --- (Book ref. UK29-2921) £12.00
Police AN ACT for consolidating in One Act certain Provisions usually contained in Acts for regulating the Police of Towns.
London: Printed by George E. Eyre and William Spottiswoode, 1847. Pages numbered 857-878, disbound, Act of Parliament. --- Please e-mail for one of my FREE CATALOGUES which include [ Manuscripts, Maps, Ephemera, Views, etc., etc. ] --- (Book ref. UK29-2904) £12.00
Newfoundland AN ACT to exempt Vessels in the Newfoundland Trade from the Provisions of an Act.... for regulating Vessels carrying Passengers from the United Kingdom.
London: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, 1804. Single leaf pages numbered 409-410, small folio, disbound, Act of Parliament. --- Please e-mail for one of my FREE CATALOGUES which include [ Manuscripts, Maps, Ephemera, Views, etc., etc. ] --- (Book ref. UK29-2858) £10.00
Naval Prize Money AN ACT to make further Provisions respecting Naval Prize Money.
London: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan. 1820. Pages numbered 713-715, disbound, small folio, Act of Parliament. --- Please e-mail for one of my FREE CATALOGUES which include [ Manuscripts, Maps, Ephemera, Views, etc., etc. ] --- (Book ref. UK29-2851) £12.00
Merchant Seamen AN ACT to extend the Provisions of an Act.... for the Payment of Wages due to deceased Seamen and Marines, to Wages due to Intestate Bastards.
London: Printed by George Eyre, and Andrew Strahan, 1819. Pages numbered 753-754, disbound, small folio, Act of Parliament. --- Please e-mail for one of my FREE CATALOGUES which include [ Manuscripts, Maps, Ephemera, Views, etc., etc. ] --- (Book ref. UK29-2828) £10.00
Devonport and Newcastle AN ACT to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Local Government Board under the provisions of the Artizans and Labourers Dwelling Improvement Act, 1875, relating to the Boroughs of Devonport and Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
1878. 14pp, disbound, Act of Parliament. Details articles of agreement etc. between Sir John St. Aubyn and the Corporation of Devonport for compulsory acquisition of an area of Devonport deemed unhealthy, with outline of improvement scheme. --- Please e-mail for one of my FREE CATALOGUES which include DEVON [ Manuscripts, Maps, Ephemera, Views, etc., etc. ] --- (Book ref. UK29-2609) £14.00
Combination of Workmen AN ACT to repeal the Laws relating to the Combination of Workmen, and to make other Provisions in lieu thereof.
London: Printed by George Eyre, and Andrew Strahan, 1825. Pages numbered 1473-1486, disbound, small folio, Act of Parliament. --- Please e-mail for one of my FREE CATALOGUES which include [ Manuscripts, Maps, Ephemera, Views, etc., etc. ] --- (Book ref. UK29-2557) £12.00
Cemeteries AN ACT for consolidating in One Act certain Provisions usually contained in Acts authorizing the making of Cemeteries.
London: Printed by George E. Eyre and William Spottiswoode, 1847. Pages numbered 685-699, small folio, disbound, Act of Parliament. --- Please e-mail for one of my FREE CATALOGUES which include [ Manuscripts, Maps, Ephemera, Views, etc., etc. ] --- (Book ref. UK29-2536) £12.00
Cattle AN ACT to prohibit the Exportation of Live Cattle, and other Flesh provisions, from Great Britain, for a limited Time.
London: Printed by Charles Eyre and William Strahan, 1771. Cover leaf + pages numbered 967-972, small folio, disbound, Act of Parliament. --- Please e-mail for one of my FREE CATALOGUES which include GENERAL [ Manuscripts, Maps, Ephemera, Views, etc., etc. ] --- (Book ref. UK29-2535) £10.00