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Established in 1998 has sold tens of thousands of scholastic books to university libraries, academics, students and reflective bibliophiles throughout the world.

As the majority of our books are ex-library they are well bound, in good, clean condition and ideally suited for study and research. Our books cover a huge range of academic disciplines from Mathematics, Science and Philosophy to Art and Literature as well as many works in other European languages.

Cordially, we invite you to browse or search our stock either using the search engine above or by going to our main website where we have more search facilities including searching by ISBN..

We understand how important careful packaging is. All our books are hand wrapped, and protected against impact damage with double-clad bubble wrap or double-corrugated cardboard, or in the case of multiple orders, both. We also make a conscious effort to use nothing but recycled materials, and are currently looking at ways of providing the same level of protection, with 100% eco-friendly products.

Our preferred courier for both National and International deliveries is Royal Mail and we have thousands of satisfied customers who can testify as to their reliability. However, we are more then happy to deal with any other couriers you may prefer, simply add a note to the order. Naturally, should any of our products be damaged in transit, we offer a complete and unconditional refund of all your costs.

Our website calculates shipping costs based upon the weights of the books. You may be prompted to contact us should your order be significantly overweight. Each book has a 50p handling charge which includes packaging materials. Feel free to view our pricing table.