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German WW2 Invasion Documents

Original German WW2 documents for their invasion of Britain

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Offered for sale from the dispersed archives of former Wehrmacht military bases and units is an extensive selection of original World War II German army and Luftwaffe intelligence and military planning material.

Included are aerial reconnaissance photographs, town plans, maps and similar documents covering scores of British cities, towns and other areas.

These scarce items, published in small numbers and very difficult to obtain today, were issued in Berlin in the early 1940s by the German Department for War Maps and Surveying (Abteilung für Kriegskarten und Vermessungswesen) within the German General Staff (Generalstab des Heeres) or Luftwaffe (Der Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe).

They were prepared For Official Use Only! (Nur für den Dienstgebrauch!) or Secret! (Geheim!) for German military staff in connection with Operation Sealion (Unternehmen Seelöwe), their intended invasion of Britain at the beginning of the second World War, and for later intended or actual offensive action against Britain including bombing raids.

This historically significant material covers most areas of Britain with an emphasis on the towns and cities of England's South and East coasts - likely landing areas for the intended invasion or the actual targets of large-scale or hit-and-run bombing raids.

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